Former Trump voter: Trump is ‘lying about pretty much everything’

Noooo. You don't say?!!

Posted by Constant_Club6585

  1. His a sicko. He can’t stop lying no matter what. He’s basically a lie machine.
    What’s worse is he’s a convicted felon and rapist and a traitor to our country, trying to overthrow the government with violence when he doesn’t get his way. He’s cheated on every wife and he’s weird

  2. People are still convinced Trump is the better choice. I’m not sure how they justify it. I’ve seen some say they don’t like what he says, but that he ultimately does what’s best for them. I’m not sure where they get that. Trump failed in almost everything he tried to do and he was basically the instigator and creator of chaos for the 4 years he was in office. Everything seems to be a conspiracy for the Trumper. So the media is just taking every little thing Trump says out of context? The Dems have been lying about everything? The country is failed? The list goes on and on. People need to open their eyes and ears.

  3. My dad was a big Trump guy from the moment he entered politics. All that ended 1/6/21

    He came up on tv the other day and my dad says “This fucking clown again”. I was so happy.

  4. If ever tells the truth it would be a cut into regular programming, special news report moment. I don’t think he can do it.

  5. The voter is a regular sherlock aren’t they? Have they looked at Trumps history at all in the last… 20… maybe 30 years?

  6. No duh 🙄 of course he’s lying about pretty much everything he’s a class book narcissistic sociopathic psychopath criminal traitor

  7. Nothing new. Lies 10x before breakfast and then lies about what he had for breakfast – for his whole life.

  8. I want Trump’s cult to name 10 things he has NOT lied about. I don’t think they can do it.

  9. I get politicians lie and use legalese and make big promises. But they do not commit crimes,get indicted,sensually asssult,commit fraud,threaten and incite insurrection and treason.and if one person points out that our country was based on committing treason,it is a different topic was a nation not established and facing harsh conditions and establishing new territory.if some one screams border problems that same border has been letting in folks from everywhere to work for decaded.

  10. I think Trunp is not lying. I think in his head, he is in a different reality separate from what is factualy happening. He believes what he says as fact in his own world. He is truly insane.

  11. I still can’t wrap my mind around the fact that this evil lunatic ever got elected as president of the USA. People must be watching too much reality tv and can’t tell the difference between a normal human and this corrupt POS.

  12. Former trump voter to non-trump voters: “hey, did you all know that grass is green?” 

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