‘It’s Draining’: Republicans Complain About Constantly ‘Defending Trump’s Stupid Comments’ And Worry He’s Blowing Their Chances to Regain Senate Majority

‘It’s Draining’: Republicans Complain About Constantly ‘Defending Trump’s Stupid Comments’ And Worry He’s Blowing Their Chances to Regain Senate Majority

‘It’s Draining’: Republicans Complain About Constantly ‘Defending Trump’s Stupid Comments’ And Worry He’s Blowing Their Chances to Regain Senate Majority

Posted by newsjam

  1. Then they should stop defending him. Admit that he is even more wildly incompetent as he was before and maybe retain some personal dignity. It may not be a strategy to stay in office, but there is something to be said for not debasing yourself on a daily basis.

  2. Hopefully this will be the last time he tries to get elected. He’s going to lose by a landslide in November.

  3. Maybe they should have considered his previous behavior patterns PRIOR to party nomination. I guess they COULD try to dump him (and Vance), but pretty sure that would just tear the party apart…wait… do it, please, we’d be better off in the long run.

  4. Defending the indefensible is challenging, yes. If only there was some way to stop doing that, hmmmm.

  5. Oh no, the party of hate got their false prophet and he’s neither charismatic nor scary.

    He’s just old and weird.

  6. The GOP must carry Trump to term, regardless of the dire consequences to follow. Responsibility for your actions, right?

  7. Gee. When there wasn’t an imminent election the ‘drain’ has been on the US citizens having to watch all you aholes goose-step behind this turd.

  8. “Tonight, I say this to my Republican colleagues who are defending the indefensible: There will come a day when Donald Trump is gone, but your dishonor will remain,”

    Rep. Liz Cheney 

  9. OR, they could just forget this asshole and either vote for Kamala or break off from the MAGA bullshit and form a new, SANE conservative party

  10. Note that their problem with him is that it’s threatening their chances to do the things he’d do, not the things themselves.

  11. This fucking idiot has held the entire country hostage for nearly a decade. Wrap your heads around that. Its time to flush him down.

  12. Dear GOP. Y’all had *plenty* of opportunities to rid yourselves of him over the past 12-13 years, and you eagerly chose to staple yourselves to his ass instead. He’s YOUR monkey, and this is YOUR circus.

  13. Republicans do not have an advantage on policy.  The whole of this Democrat spur started with people discovering Project 2025, and how close its authors were to Trump

  14. If I were his advisor, I would highly recommend him to stay the course. Go off message. Post deep fakes. Rant and ramble all you want. Keep doing what you’re doing, Donald.

  15. They’re just realizing this now. The guy is the biggest loser and they decided to back a proven criminal. They made their bed.

  16. Its not just his stupid comments. Its also the comments of a lot of out of touch republican party and who they have elevated to the heads of their party. They literally are running on either no platform or under the project 2025 platform which is extremely unpopular.

  17. Defending this POS is what is going to blow their chances.. People are fed up with the enablers.

  18. Nah, just let him keep on talking. I have no sympathy for these Republicans bc they didn’t learn the first time around.

  19. You picked him. Now you’re stuck with him. Pretty much how nominations work.

  20. Well bitches, that’s what the Republican party is now. Trump’s Lil’ Bitches (TLBs). Get used to it. GOP is now the TLB. Tow that line lil’ bitch.

  21. It does seem so exhausting. Trump will be like, “Lincoln was terrible, he should have ducked. Kennedy, too.” Then a Trump supporter has to take a deep breath and be like, “See, what he really meant was….”

    It’s insane.

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