Trump 4/14/23: “This is not a gun problem.” Trump 8/20/24:

Trump 4/14/23: “This is not a gun problem.” Trump 8/20/24:

Posted by ajcpullcom

  1. You’d think they would at least clean it before he speaks lol. Who set that up for him? Four seasons landscaping?

  2. “It’s not a gun problem, It’s a mental health problem, but we aren’t going to “waste” taxpayer money helping those people either.”

  3. Why is he using the presidential seal?  He’s not president and isn’t going to be 

  4. The crowd is unprotected. Now we know Trump’s priorities. Last time he got a little “owie” from some stray shrapnel while a crowd member died.

    It’s a sacrifice he’s willing to make.

  5. I suspect this isn’t for protection, this is for show. Trump wants to remind people that “the radical left is out to get him” although it has no basis in reality. He obviously can’t wear the ear pillow anymore, so this will have to do.

  6. “I don’t f—ing care that they have weapons,” Trump fumed in urging aides to take down magnetometers near the White House Jan 6th, 2021. “They’re not here to hurt me. Take the f—ing mags away.”

    Aged like fine couch milk.

  7. It’s a great start, but I still see some air holes. Maybe you can seal this thing up before it metastasizes.

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