How is this not treason? “Former President Trump is on the phone with the PM of Israel urging him not to cut a deal right now because it’s believed that would help the Harris campaign.”

How is this not treason? “Former President Trump is on the phone with the PM of Israel urging him not to cut a deal right now because it’s believed that would help the Harris campaign.”

Posted by SlightChocolate721

  1. Isn’t it clear? Trump thinks he is above the law and the God of the USA. It’s time to put him back on the feet (and preferably in jail).

  2. Didn’t POTUS: Carter work to the very end to get those Prisoners from Iran? Only for them to hold off for Reagan?

    EDIT: Israel isn’t a foreign Nation (Enemy), So I do not believe this is definition of treason. But only seem more obvious this Cheeto POS is fit for office or a human.

  3. Mmmmm, nothing like committing treason for your political gain. classic republican move

  4. And where is the outrage from Israel biden needs to tell Netanyahu cut a deal or no more aid

  5. treason is more around war, i believe this would be more clearly a violation of the logan act

  6. This is cut and dry election interference.

    Quite probably treason.

    Throw this fat orange fucker in jail.

  7. I’m so fucking sick of these POS sabotaging their own country and peoples lives to stay in power.

  8. Totally treason. Crate this crime up and put it in storage with the rest of them, building 5, row 27, aisle 16, ninth shelf from the bottom. We’ll get to it around about 2054.

  9. The media needs to report this disgusting crap as headline news! Seems like he gets a pass. Makes me sick

  10. Real talk: who is the onus on for taking action against him for this if it’s a violation?

  11. Well it worked for preventing a secure border, why not do it for a ceasefire.

    The news is failing to hold him accountable, that’s how he’s gotten to where he is.

  12. There’s no limit to his criminal behavior everything he does each and every day is a crime even even if he plays music at one of his events he’s breaking the law

  13. Trump is not the president, Joe is and he has until January 6th 2025 to make decisions and his VP will be right behind him to continue as she sees fit. I don’t know that bibi is going to edge his bet against Harris just on one deal with Trump, it doesn’t increase any odds of a win for either of them and now that the cat is out of the bag, this phone call and its response could have some real implications during the elections. The democrats could totally bury Trump if the information is found to be true.

  14. its not treason, it is a violation of the Logan Act whoch should be updated to be called the Nixon-Kissenger Act

  15. This is just the full extent of Republican nihilism. They are never a party that can be trusted to govern responsibly

  16. There it is folks, that’s all the GOP cares about anymore: WINNING.

    They don’t want to govern. They don’t want to improve lives or strengthen communities. They don’t want to fix anything or help anyone. They don’t have policies. ALL they want is CONTROL. They want to look down on us all and laugh while gloating that THEY WON and WE LOST.

    It’s SO petty and useless. They are the worst people imaginable in modern times, following perhaps only genocidal dictators. If Republicans had their way, they’d eagerly join their ranks.

    Please VOTE against this madness. There is no system in place to save us, no guaranteed protection. WE have to save ourselves.

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