Overnight ratings give DNC a ratings lead over Trump’s RNC viewership

Overnight ratings give DNC a ratings lead over Trump’s RNC viewership


Posted by Advanced_Drink_8536

  1. Trump on Truth Social tonight probably: “They weren’t real viewers, they were all AI viewers”

  2. Time to buy ketchup stock. There will be a lot of that stuff hitting the walls.

  3. The only thing that matters is turnout from Labor Day to Election Day and double checking you’re registered so all the red hat bs can end once and for all. This country needs justice for everything Donald Dump has done to degrade it.

  4. Duh, I tried watching the RNC but that shit was awful. A bunch of criminals and assholes stroking Donald fragile ego and trying to paint him as human. Fucking gag fest!
    On the other hand,the DNC, full energy, respectable people, talking real issues and accomplishments. Striking contrast

  5. All I want is a sane president who wont declare themselves “dictator on day one” and try to “suspend the constitution.” Why’s that too much to ask for these days? This is America, we’re supposed to hate dictators I thought? Trump really fucked this nation up good and proper.

  6. Aww shit! Hide the catsup bottles from Donnie. He’s definitely gonna have a bitch tantrum over those “fake ratings”. Furious late night shitter tirade incoming!

  7. The DNC convention was more coherent and organized and more hopeful did the RNC convention. Also, Democrats have great speakers, especially Mr. Warnock and Mrs. Crockett.

  8. I would hope so, there are more registered Democrats than Republicans.

    Edit: I take that back, registration numbers are nearly equal now. 4 years ago the Dems had a 5% edge and historically I think it had been even more.

  9. Makes sense. Everybody knows Trump’s shtick. Vance was the only “unkown”. He turned out to be more of the same.

    Harris is still somewhat of an unknown. We saw
    glimpses of her. We are sering her in full now. Walz has also turned out to be a breath of fresh air. Most of these modern pols are paper cutouts with a carefully constructed marketing plan for personality. Walz is the kind of guy you make sure to invite to your backyard barbecue. He will love it. His daughter will love it. They will be gracious. They will be kind. They are what most people call the salt of the earth. Yeah, I know he is governor. Walz seems to be genuine. He is what he is, no pretense, no poll driven sound bites, no picture frame family photo ops. How can you hate a guy that bares his soul when it comes to his daughters conception and birth?

  10. I’m sure he’ll mutter some nonsense about the crowd size at some concert that Elvis put on.

  11. This is what’s gonna hurt him the most. He’s a reality TV star. He only cares about “ratings.”

  12. Oh, no!!! Now the networks are conspiring to make Orange Hitler look small (like his hands and his self respect). Seems like rapists are just not as popular with the TV audience as they used to be.

  13. I know this is a shank to Trump’s ego but otherwise who gives a fuck about TV ratings in an era of live streams.

  14. This wouldn’t even be a headline if Trump weren’t so fucking obsessed with ratings. I love that it will bother him, but I hate that we even need to talk about it.

  15. Dark Brandon needs to mention this just because it’ll eat the ratings obsessed TRUMP apocalyptic.

    Ice cream in hand of course.

  16. 🫣 did maga just lose an engine? ✈️🔥

    Oh wait I forgot…..everything is a lie unless trump says it. Right?

  17. Ratings? That’s just the people watching on TV. I watched via streaming, and I suspect many others who cut the cord have done the same.

  18. They’re not getting beat, they’re getting stomped !! Over 20mil night one. Wait till the Obamas come on 30 mil. I’ll bet.

  19. Of course! It was positive energetic exciting vs the complete opposite of the RNC dog n pony show..

  20. Why not? Who wants to listen to a bunch of whiny-assed cry baby bitches rehash old shit that isn’t true?

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