Fox News axes Trump campaign speech after he says ‘election was rigged’

Fox News axes Trump campaign speech after he says ‘election was rigged’

Posted by IntnsRed

  1. Yep cant have that. Wasnt fox found liable in court for spreading election denial lies? If thats the case then they cant endorse this or give a platform to it, thus trump gets cut off. Dipshits at fox news never fail to provide a refreshing moment of embarrassment

  2. What’s the matter FOX NEWS? Lawsuit got you spooked? LOL. By all means keep promoting lies, I’d love to see you get dismantled like the useless scrap you are.

  3. At this point, they’re acting to preserve Trump’s image. They’re not cutting away because they don’t support the message – they’re cutting away for fear the voters don’t support the message.

  4. He is perpetually either saying it, about to say it, or just said it.

    How can you ever show a speech of his FOX?

  5. Maybe he knows Fox will cut him off so he does it in hopes of keeping his weird cult from seeing him unravel more and more.

    It’s a stupid concept but hey, the old felon is stupid.

  6. I know FOX has more $ than they can spend but taking a $700 + million dollar hit on the books has to hurt..

  7. Rupert Murdoch still understands one thing.

    Getting kicked by a mule twice ain’t an education.

    Lobotomy Don don’t know any better.

  8. This guy is still bitching about an election four fucking years ago? Get a fucking life, dude.

  9. This is why a live debate at FoxNews is not possible, due to the previous litigation that cost FoxNews almost a billion dollars for lying for him.

  10. Remember that time you reported the facts about the 2020 election?

    Me too, Fox News. Me too.

  11. What’s funny here is that there is clearly a Fox policy, written by Fox lawyer differentiating which lies are ok and which can get the network in trouble.

  12. He is old. His mind is going. He can’t stop saying stupid stuff. Tired. Disoriented. Confused.

    Switch over to the DNC. Barak is speaking live. It’s a party over there. Lil Jon was on earlier. The cool factor is way up tonight.

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