Idiot Trump abandoned Truth Social for Elon Musk ..and it didn’t pay off

Idiot Trump abandoned Truth Social for Elon Musk ..and it didn’t pay off

Posted by eaglemaxie

  1. If his supporters could read, they would be mighty upset they just lost all their savings investing in his company

  2. I can hear all the high-pitched screams of the suckers who bought into that shit when Trump went back to Tweeter….

  3. To be fair who only tweeted to hype up the “conversation” they had then immediately stopped. Although it does seem like someone else has taken over the account and just posts brainrot on it

  4. I wonder if he thinks jumping to Twitter will save his campaign. The platform’s not gonna change the lack of content.

  5. This is going exactly like one of Trump’s bankrupt casinos. Who could have predicted it?


  6. The reverse Midas Touch! Explains a LOT!:why he has a Gold shitter, his love for McDonalds, fast food & Coke…-some other grifter must have told him that if he crapped in a golden commode 10,000 times while reciting “In a BIG boy! I’m a Big boy!”-everything he touches would stop turning to shit.

  7. lol you goons who bought his stock and the same suckers who will vote for him and the thinly vailed lie he dangles in front of your donkey face

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