Mike Walsh is on the case!

Mike Walsh is on the case!

Posted by oroechimaru

  1. Matt is swiping right and grinding undercovers to get the hard to swallow load. He will leave no bottom unturned to uncover the hard truth

  2. The joke is, he could probably openly introduce himself as himself and nobody would recognize him.

    “Hi, I’m Matt Walsh.”

    “Hi, Matt, what do you do for for a living?”

  3. Serious question, how high is the Grindr traffic at the DNC convention compared to the RNC one?

  4. People that get married on purpose, because they want to tend to cheat a lot less than people who get married solely because society expects it.

  5. What’s up with all these guys “going undercover at the DNC” this year as if it’s not a nationally televised event

  6. Charlie Kirk was out in the open fearless and even confronted Hasan! And this pussy put on a wig!

  7. Hey dems I thought you liked the woke gays, oh no that’s the republicans in sheep’s clothing.

  8. This is the perfect opportunity to convince maga that Matt is actually a democratic just pretending to be a republican. See, he’s attending the DNC! Bet they will start calling him trans 🤦‍♂️

  9. In all seriousness, what does he hope to accomplish? The thing is televised, nothing he sees is being kept secret.

  10. He looks like Matt Walsh dressed up as Don Jr dressed up as Matt Walsh going undercover.

  11. Matt Walsh really felt something when he wore that ladyballers wig huh, hasn’t taken it off since

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