How the European Parliament helps normalize the far right • The political grouping led by Italy’s Giorgia Meloni has secured high-profile positions on more than a dozen committees in the European Parliament. Will the far right manage to influence EU policies?

How the European Parliament helps normalize the far right • The political grouping led by Italy’s Giorgia Meloni has secured high-profile positions on more than a dozen committees in the European Parliament. Will the far right manage to influence EU policies?

Posted by Naurgul

  1. The far-right is “normalized” because it is the only political side that is taking real people’s actual grievances into its political debate. The real grievances are high cost of housing, high food prices, high fuel prices, no wage growth, unlimited illegal migration trying to mooch of the social welfare system, feeling alienated in your own city/state/country, feeling a loss of culture, seeing the erosion of your culture and the push of foreign cultures.

    People don’t give two shits about “diversity” and “other cultures” and “le exotic food11!11” or similar stupid shit from said cultures when they have trouble paying their bills, putting gas in the car and being able to exist. They are also smart enough to understand that cultures are not equal and that some cultures are shittier than others. And that embracing said cultures will deteriorate their well being both in the long and short term.

    You will win no one over by telling them that their grievances are fake, that they are stupid for having them and that they should be ignored. But hey, you can choose to keep your head buried in the sand and lose more ground to the far right. I’m sure those social media updoots will be worth it for your egos and the people of the future will be so, so thankfull with more and more extremists rising in the polls because of your inaction.

  2. I mean the far right in the EU is hardly really extreme.. they’re more towards the middle..I would say Trump in the USA is more extreme right than Meloni especially when it comes to abortion etc…
    Also the EU does have to get tougher on ILLEGAL immigration

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