The Tate brothers, targeted by another raid. They are being investigated for child trafficking, human trafficking, sexual intercourse with a minor and money laundering

The Tate brothers, targeted by another raid. They are being investigated for child trafficking, human trafficking, sexual intercourse with a minor and money laundering

by cipakui

  1. > Andrew and Tristan Tate are targeted by a new investigation by DIICOT, in a more complex file, in which facts such as the creation of an organized criminal group, trafficking in minors, human trafficking, sexual intercourse with a minor, influencing statements and money laundering.

    > DIICOT press release: “Today, 21.08.2024, the prosecutors of the Directorate for the Investigation of Organized Crime and Terrorism – Central Structure, together with police officers from the Ilfov Organized Crime Fighting Service, implemented 4 home search warrants within the Ilfov county and of the municipality of Bucharest, in a criminal case regarding the commission of the offenses of forming an organized criminal group, trafficking in minors, trafficking in persons, sexual intercourse with with a minor, influencing statements and money laundering.

    > The hearings are held at the headquarters of DIICOT – Central Structure.

    > The action benefits from the support of gendarmes from the Special Intervention Brigade of the Gendarmerie.

    > Specialist support was provided by the Technical and Forensic Service within DIICOT – Central Structure and the Directorate of Special Operations of the Romanian Police.

    > We make it clear that, throughout the entire criminal process, the investigated persons benefit from the procedural rights and guarantees provided by the Code of Criminal Procedure, as well as the presumption of innocence.”

  2. Oh man all the peoples who idolized these two cunts are going to look even worse now.

  3. They’re also being targeted by the transphobes in the right wing community for deflecting blame for the recent far-right riots in Britain from themselves back to Farage.
    > Conspiracy theorists have set their sights on far-right influencer Andrew Tate, accusing him of being transgender.
    > In a post to Facebook on Tuesday, a user named Rob Anderson shared a close-up photo of Tate wearing what appears to be men’s swimwear before suggesting that no male genitalia were present.
    > “I guess she forgot to wear her fake 🍆😂,” Anderson wrote.

    They also did the same to the far-right shooter Rittenhouse in the USA after he refused to endorse Trump

  4. Truly role models and real masculine men. I do hope this time they get thrown in jail for a long time, even though I know a new vile asshole would take their place soon after.

  5. I’m lost here, how come every few months I see these POS get raided and sent to prison only to see it repeat itself. How are they getting out?

  6. They are toxic af. The kind of things Andrew Tate spouts on social media is insane. Actually I am surprised it’s even allowed.

  7. Jeeeeez, can these guys get a break?

    The answer is: NO.

    Truly some of the most repulsive human beings on the internet.

  8. The guys who were investigated for sex trafficking are now being investigated for more sex trafficking? No way.

  9. I hope they rot in prison.

    Give them 10-20 years and by the time they’re out nobody will remember them. That will hurt those attention whores the most, irrelevancy.

  10. Their fans are just like mini maga incels. They’ll just claim it’s the matrix or the deep state.

  11. I truly hope this is true otherwise this will look really fukin’ bad for Europe’s Chadland justice system.

  12. And yet despite all this Nigel von Clacton will say that Andrew is a reliable source of information. Can’t make this shit up I swear.

  13. Every month we have a new celeb exposed for pedophilia. I literally saw a calendar about it. It’s fucking wild.

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