Something Bad Must Be Going on in Trump Land, Because Trump Is Having a Mental Breakdown on Truth Social

Something Bad Must Be Going on in Trump Land, Because Trump Is Having a Mental Breakdown on Truth Social

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  1. Yes, yes, yes! Let’s get that blood pressure up Mr Drumpf ! Calling Mr Reaper, Mr Grim Reaper…

  2. Again?, we need to re define mental breakdown.. usually they are one and done,but this fucker keeps popping back like Plastic Man.

  3. I thought he was just having one long, meandering meltdown on his joke of a social media network.

    Really interesting 🔎

  4. Donald Trump is a Pussy-Ass-Bitch

    He’s pussiest-ass bitch in the whole wide world.

    He’s stupid bitch, if there ever was a bitch

    He’s a bitch to all the boys and girls.

    On Monday, He’s as Rapist

    On Tuesday, He’s Pedo

    On Wednesday through Saturday, he’s a traitorous bitch

    Then on Sunday, just to be different He’s a cheeseburger King McDonaldland bi-аtch!

    Have you ever met the Bitch Donald Trump?

    He’s most pussy-ass bitch in the whole wide world

    He’s YUGEST bitch if there ever was a bitch

    He’s a bitch to all the boys and girls.

    Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump HE’S A PUSSY BITCH.

    He walks around all day smelling like he sat in shit.

    Donald Trump is a Pussy-Ass-Bitch


  5. Trump has been having a mental breakdown his whole entire life! When is his pea brain going to explode?

  6. This is what he was like on twitter when he was the president. It’s why life was so exhausting back then, because he was the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES constantly posting insane shit for the whole world to see and we all had to figure out what that meant for, you know, everyone.

    This is just who the dude is. He’s insane.

  7. When I was on Twitter and he was in office I used to wonder if he was sundowning. A lot of his outbursts seemed to happen at that time. (Sundowning in a sentence: Some people with Alzheimer’s Disease or dementia will become confused/agitated around sunset.)

  8. Been said before. Ever since Biden left, Trump’s been having a breakdown at every waking moment.

  9. The most amazing lie the Trump cult seems to fall for is that the border is essentially open and undocumented immigrants are pouring in with nothing stopping them.

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