Moskau unter Beschuss: Luftabwehr schießt Killerdrohnen über russischer Hauptstadt ab

Moskau unter Beschuss: Luftabwehr schießt Killerdrohnen über russischer Hauptstadt ab

  1. Sounds too good to be true – ruzzians are having their own a$$es handed them back by Ukrainians where it most hurts?
    More plausible – it could be a false flag ops by their own forces to “encourage” support for another draft.

  2. Kiev sends its regards. In times of peace cities can become sister cities and trade with benefits.
    In war times it’s never easy to burn down your neighbours house.

  3. We interrupt this program to bring you this special news:
    “Today the illegitimate Ukrainian state decided to attack our peaceful way of life for no reason”.

  4. “Well, Well, Well, If It Isn’t The Consequences Of My Own Actions”

    -Putin probably

  5. Good ol’ Arthur Harris quote

    “The Nazis entered this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to bomb everyone else, and nobody was going to bomb them.”

  6. This is what is needed. Moscow can say the special operations going fine. But when drones are coming at the fucking capital you can’t hide that from people anymore…

  7. Keep them coming boys 🇺🇦

    edit fyi, downvotes please me more than upvotes on comments like this. ☺️☺️☺️

  8. Scale of worst to worst:

    1)Putin – Russia

    2)Ukrainian soldiers with SS helmets invading Russia

  9. That’s great news! I think it might be one of the better ways to end the war, when people notice the “special operation” starts to really affect them and they demand the war to end.

  10. Genuine question from ignorance here.

    What are the chances of one of those F-16s making it to the kremlin and dropping some ordinance?

  11. War is coming home to roost.

    Unless the Russian people want to live in a perpetual state of war, they should seek new leadership. No matter the cost.

  12. Killer drones???? you mean like the killer drones that have been destroying Ukraine for years?

  13. I guess now would be a god time to be scared for the worst correct ??

    Just saying they keep saying nukes eventually someone’s going to cross a line there’s no coming back from and then the whole world is screwed

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