56 years ago today armies of Warsaw Pact invaded Czechoslovakia

56 years ago today armies of Warsaw Pact invaded Czechoslovakia

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by BlackViperMWG

  1. All because Soviet leadership was scared of democratic reforms of the [Prague Spring](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prague_Spring)

    The invasion was well planned and coordinated; simultaneously with the border crossing by ground forces, a Soviet spetsnaz task force of the GRU captured Ruzyne International Airport in Prague in the early hours of the invasion. It began with a flight from Moscow which carried more than 100 agents in plain clothes and requested an emergency landing at the airport due to “engine failure”. They quickly secured the airport and prepared the way for the huge forthcoming airlift, in which Antonov An-12 transport aircraft began arriving and unloading Soviet Airborne Forces equipped with artillery and light tanks.

    As the operation at the airport continued, columns of tanks and motorized rifle troops headed toward Prague and other major centers, meeting almost no resistance.


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  2. A reminder to keep Europe Democratic and the Russians and their pawns out of the Western block.

  3. It was Russia not Warsaw Pact. Almost all of the soldiers were Red army with some “token” soldiers from some Warsaw Pact countries.

  4. Except Romania.
    Not because of some love for the Czechs, but of the hate for russia meddling in other countries’ internal affairs.

  5. The Warsaw Pact was probably the only alliance in history which used force only against it’s own members.

    Also there was a joke: why countries joined NATO? Because they were afraid of the USSR. Why countries joined the Warsaw Pact? For the same reason.

  6. One interesting fact is that the USSR asked East Germany to enter from north west with its tanks but then thought better about it as Germans entering with tanks in Czechoslovakia looked like a déjà vu

  7. One of most shameful acts from our country in history. If not for Warsaw Pact attacking Czechoslovakia, they could’ve freed themselves 20 years earlier.

  8. Don’t forget people, it’s what the orcs of Mordor do. Don’t forget that when your local conspiracy theorist starts yapping about how aiding Ukraine is somehow a terrible idea.

  9. Iirc the Bulagrian leader was such a simp, even though Romania didn’t participate he still did and had to ship troops around Romania

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