Shall we allow it ?

Shall we allow it ?

by miragen125

  1. This is just replacing one dangerous wildlife with several others, not sure how good of a deal that is.

  2. Can’t we just leave that place blank?

    I’m not particularly fond of having the “Fucked up wildlife HQ” near us

  3. I especially enjoy how Finland and Norway still have a border to Russia. I see little problems with this.

  4. its funny that they are marooned on the other side of the planet and have to pay extraordinary fees to even get close to the relevant bits. It’s even funnier that it was us that shipped them off there in the first place as punishment

  5. can we also bring new zealand along I would like to annex them at some point and it is difficult when they are at your antipode

  6. I’m just a bit frustrated both Denmark and Northern-France are orange and we are green. Is it the weed?

  7. I’ll allow it but only coz my buddy as arachnophobic. He’d probably buy a flamethrower and move through the world like Ripley at the end of Alien for eternity.

  8. This would make Europe politically very stable but our wild live would be absolutely fucked

  9. You can’t put Aussies in that climate, the poor buggers wouldn’t deal with the cold. Drop them in the Med somewhere, maybe on top of Greece. Now we’ve took all their old stuff it’s just wasted space.

  10. Yes yes yes yes yes. And yes.

    Russia behind the Urals is a dream of any sane Easterner. Hell, call it a fetish

  11. Actively encourage it maybe ? Though it’s a shame if the kiwis get stuck with an even bigger gobshite of a neighbour.

  12. Great bunch of lads and lasses, who cares about plant and animal life that exist to torment the very soul.

  13. Feels a bit shitty sending the NT lads into the Arctic sea. I don’t think they’ll acclimatize well.

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