Russland verliert an einem Tag 1.210 Soldaten und 60 Artilleriesysteme

Russland verliert an einem Tag 1.210 Soldaten und 60 Artilleriesysteme

  1. Even if the numbers are exaggerated. It’s no secret Russia will throw every able body unto the front lines until Ukraine runs out of ammo or there is no one left to send.

    Putin has lost his goddamn mind.

  2. Russia is loosing bigly and Obama made a dick joke at Trumps expense, I’m in the chosen timeline.

  3. It was predicted awhile back that as the best Russian military expertise and equipment got obliterated in the earlier stages of the war, the rate of loss would increase dramatically if the conflict was being pursued at the same intensity. Looks like that moment is finally here.

  4. How long can this go on? Feels like they are losing 10 tanks everyday, 1000 soldiers, 1 fighter jet, 2 choppers every day. They must run out of equipment soon?

    After this war Russia will not be back in “full force” for the next 100 years.

  5. My Jesus I cannot fathom what these young men are going through, completely unnecessary deaths by the thousands

  6. At what point do Russia’s neighbours start thinking about reclaiming those annexed Russian territories?

  7. People that still believe either sides numbers of enemies killed are delusional.

    Even if we assume they are not lying which they are, they have no way to even measure that number when most casulties occur from artillery from many kilometres away.

    If you bomb a building or fortification how can you tell how many people died and how many survived?

    It’s dumb propaganda

  8. Ukraine should sprinkle sunflower seeds, everywhere they reach into Russia.  Heheh.  Reminder as they grow.

  9. Yet we see no protests for Russians being jammed on an assembly line of death and Ukraine suffering deaths and raping of women and children by Russians

  10. It’s sad, the other day someone was saying online games used to be packed with young Russian men .. and they’d seen less now a days.

    Wondering if that’s just a random anecdote or if it’s well known.

  11. I still don’t get it: why are the families of those soldiers not reacting?

    Why don’t we see videos of crying mothers, wives or children?

    How can 600.000 men die and there is no public reaction?

    How brainwashed or intimidated can they be?

  12. Not really on topic of Russian losses, but of Ukrainian ones.

    Since Kiev already announced amnesty of prisoners, I wonder if they offered a “global amnesty” (within reason) and citizenship to people around the world to start a new life if it would lead to an influx. In most western countries, a criminal record is life altering and sometimes catastrophic.

    Personally if I was staring down potential jail, I’d jump ship and risk it for a new start. I’ve already been to war, I’d risk maiming and death over a criminal record, given that my life in my country would be effectively over with a conviction.
    (Charges dependant. I don’t really break the law)

    Not that I think Ukraine should be a dumping ground, but it would likely be a very attractive offer for a few thousand humans trying to hit the reset button.

  13. At this rate in a few years the entire Russian population would die once according to Ukrainian reports 🤣

  14. I don’t understand how this is happening in 2024… how does 1 dude send 100s of thousands to their deaths

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