Priests deployed as fire continues to rage at southern Russian oil depot

Priests deployed as fire continues to rage at southern Russian oil depot

by duckanroll

  1. It is really frightening and disgusting to see how church became super powerful and rich in exUSSR counties just during the last 30 years while being almost non-existent for 70 years of SU.

  2. Tis a long time since I have seen the book of armaments deployed thus. Surely one of those clerics is The revered Brother Maynard.

  3. God hasn’t helped these assholes so far, what makes them think that he will now??? fuck Russia 🖕

  4. I want to make a joke about closing their churches and they turn up here, but I feel I’d only fan the flames.

  5. “Vladislav Goncharov, a firefighter from Rostov, said on Telegram on Monday that those tasked with putting out the fire were lacking equipment. “Knowing our system, no one will help them, and they will have to pay for their own gear and treatment,” Goncharov said on Instagram, announcing a fundraiser that has since collected over 230,000 rubles (€2,300).”

    WTF! Firefighters buy their own equipment AND have to pay for medical treatment when they get hurt.

    Russia is fucked up.

  6. Throwing priests into fire doesn’t work in hell so I’m not sure why Russia thinks it’ll work here but I do appreciate the effort.

  7. These same Russian Orthodox priests will be deployed to a frontline soon enough and when this happens… God will not be around to save them.

  8. I’m surprised no one has mentioned Rasputin and his whole thing with Tsar Nicholas II

  9. This quote from a firefighter serving his community and country is pretty crazy. I can’t (well, I can) believe Russia can’t even give proper PPE to their firefighters…

    “Vladislav Goncharov, a firefighter from Rostov, said on Telegram on Monday that those tasked with putting out the fire were lacking equipment. “Knowing our system, no one will help them, and they will have to pay for their own gear and treatment,” Goncharov said on Instagram, announcing a fundraiser that has since collected over 230,000 rubles (€2,300).”

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