Delivery driver is killed while trying to stop ‘vanjacking’ as he dropped off Amazon parcels in Leeds

Delivery driver is killed while trying to stop ‘vanjacking’ as he dropped off Amazon parcels in Leeds

by WeightDimensions

  1. Sad state of affairs where one feels compelled to risk their life for a multi billion dollar company who doesn’t even know your name.

  2. That’s not a headlines I expected to see in Leeds or even the UK really. I must be sheltered as I didn’t know this was a “thing” here

  3. Is anyone really so desperate for a few towels and a new battery charger that they are prepared to seriously injure , or as in this case , kill an ordinary person earning a living ?

  4. Shocking! This poor man was just working to put food on the table for his family.

    Hope they catch and severely punish the scum who did this.

  5. Sad some folk see the need to mention Amazon (crack a joke), when a human being has died protecting their livelihood. Thoughts go out to their family.

  6. I believe anyone who kills an innocent person in the act of a crime should be sentenced the same as a murderer.

  7. My mother used to deliver parcels for EvRi’s predecessors in the 2000’s around Barry

    Her van was carjacked and she was thrown from it.

    The police found the van less than a mile away. They had suspicions who did it. Went to their house and found all the empty Next bags and the items

    Eventually both got two year suspended sentences

  8. I saw an article few days ago reported that amazon warehouse worker calling emergency 1400 times in 5 years.

  9. Legalise shanking porch pirates. If you rob other people to fund your meth habit you deserve what you get

  10. Really sad state of affairs

    This is why the bystander effect should never be pushed onto people to act- never ever put yourself at risk if you see a crime or altercation happening by stepping in.

    Report it instead

  11. Poor guy and his family 🙁 I’d like to think Amazon would step in and do something kind but exceptionally unlikely

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