Zusattzblatt missing

I arrived germany last June to take Aufnahmeprüfung and i‘ve got the visa that i attached below. Now i want to find a minijob but there was no Zusattzblatt . There is only a visa page. I tried to compare my visa with my friends, some of them have Zusattblatt( 120/240 working days) and some of them don‘t. But there are little differences in the one who didn‘t get Zusattzblatt like me. Mine said PRAHL and My fri‘s visa said SHUTTE. We both didn‘t get the Zusattzblatt. What‘s the difference?

by Big-Profession-1821

  1. §16B says to what extent you may work.

    Prahl and Schütte are presumably the Officials who issued the visas

  2. Your visa literally says that you’re allowed to work. Why would there be a Zusatzblatt? That’s usually only done if there’s an additional restriction.

    Prahl and Schütte are the names of the employee who did the visa.

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