Cocaine in mummified brains reveals when Europeans first used the drug

Cocaine in mummified brains reveals when Europeans first used the drug

by zubairlatifbhatti

  1. > the people of Milan appear to have had access to the plant and been privy to its properties

    As is tradition.

  2. This article was written by a person with no real knowledge

    Coca leaves are one thing

    and Cocaine is a very complex chemical process, acids, gasoline and other substances are used

    I doubt that in the 17th-century they knew how to process coca leaves

  3. Makes me wonder if part of the reason why the conquistadores were so brutally unhinged is because they were min/maxing evilness with 24/7 cocoa leaves. Their nervous systems would have been completely naive to stimulants and it would have been an epiphany for crews of desperate men with scurvy and every venereal disease under the sun. Perhaps the real gold was coca

  4. Wasn’t weed first smoked in the Levant also?? We started this Gangster shit and this the mfn thanks we get?

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