Pentagon-Geheimdienst glaubt, Russlands Krieg gegen die Ukraine steuert auf eine Sackgasse zu

Pentagon-Geheimdienst glaubt, Russlands Krieg gegen die Ukraine steuert auf eine Sackgasse zu

  1. According to the article the Pentagon said “Ukraine is capable of defensive operations but won’t be able to launch large scale counter-offensive operations for 6 months”.

    Maybe I’m missing something but isn’t that exactly what they just did in Kursk with great success? I guess the Pentagon is saying the Kursk offensive will now slow to a standstill?

  2. Ukraine has the capability to wreak havoc within Russia if so desired. Russia just has no control over anything that goes on inside their own borders. If Ukraine wanted to start some real partisan war on Russia territory, blowing up infrastructure, attacking administration, conducting assassinations, etc… it could. That’s not necessarily a compliment to Ukraine (although they’ve been very innovative with the resources they have), but more a jab at how big a shitshow Russia is in basically every domain.

  3. I’m going to need Russia to say it isn’t heading to a dead end before I believe this.

  4. No self-reflection on why its heading to a dead end? Isn’t it maybe because the US is continuing to put up these frustrating restrictions on Ukraine, effectively preventing them to get the job done.

  5. If only momy West would have allowed Ukraine to strike Russian army positions deep in its territory.

    but that will make putin sad..

  6. Maybe authorise the use of US weapons to strike military targets in Russia and give approval for Britain to allow Stormshadows to be used in Russia too, unless a dead end/protracted war is the goal here?

  7. Won’t totally happen, but I always hoped it would end with Ukraine taking Russia.

  8. Que OutKast…”Drones over Moscow”
    “Drones over China”
    “Drones over Iran”

  9. Yea if they can’t beat Ukraine backed by western supplies they better not fuck around and find out directly with the west.

  10. > “Ukrainian forces remain capable of defensive operations but won’t be able to launch large-scale counteroffensives for at least six months,” the report said.

    So what’s the point of saying it’s headed to a dead end if in six months that’s gonna change?

  11. I guess the Pentagon isn’t very intelligent because people saw this coming a long time ago

  12. Except Russia’s economy is over heating and will not be able to sustain this kind of stalemate for much longer

  13. The pentagon isn’t giving anything away. Probably means they think Ukraine can keep turning the screws and really doesn’t want Russia to throw in the towel. Didn’t Sun Tzu say not to stop the enemy when they are making a mistake? This is the chance to Rope a Dope Russia into being less influential on the world stage than Mongolia. Who gives up the chance to pull down the pants of the big baddie of the last 80 years?

  14. New details about how and why are always interesting but we’re more than a year beyond the question really being whether or not Russia will be able to end the war on face saving terms: paltry territorial gains and promises of neutrality, or if Ukraine rolls Russia back to the 2013 borders or something in between.

    A Russian maximalist victory or even a victory worth the price in blood and treasure hasn’t been likely since the panicked retreat from Kyiv.

    I suppose the upshot for Putin is you can’t have a color revolution if young men of prime regime overthrowing age are part of a lost generation.

  15. Well manufactured by the 3 years of restrictions stopping Ukraine defending themselves, in the same way any another western country would defend themselves.

  16. Let’s face it, the Ukrainian strategy of bringing the war to the Russian people, could be the most effective use of their resources.
    Making the Russian media and locals feel threatened, makes them uneasy. While at the same time, it takes the wind out of the sails of the Russian political propagandists, that continue to be under Putin’s thumb.
    Having to report on the deep incursion into they’re sovereign country is a stark reminder of Putin’s ineptitude.

  17. Didn’t the great American Mass media (liberal media) tell us Putins dying for the last like 5 years? With their own constant conspiracy theories

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