Russian official calls for ‘carpet bombing’ of Kursk

Russian official calls for ‘carpet bombing’ of Kursk

by vincevega87

  1. Better carpet bomb Moscow as well just to be on the safe side.. there might be some saboteurs there.

  2. Remember when this war started and one of the stated aims was to “protect ethnic russians in the donbas”? How did go from that to “carpet bomb kursk and screw the actual russians living there”?

    What next, nuke it from orbit? It’s the only way to be sure……..

  3. Use up all of Russia’s aviation bombs on Russian soil?

    That’s an improvement.

    Now we just need to make sure Ukrainian forces are as protected as possible from this.

  4. Fastest way for Russians to lose all of their bombers would be for then to try and carpet bomb Kursk…

  5. >Russian official calls for ‘carpet bombing’ of Kursk

    The very next step of Ukraine would be… taking over Moscow.
    Then Russians finish it all. Curtain.

    How to find so much space for all the new embassies though?

  6. This is the Russian way: scorch the earth including their own. I hope that Ukraine evacuates the soldiers and put up decoys for the carpet bombing to avoid casualties and get the Russians to waste ammo. My best friend is in Kursk. He was conscripted, trained in 2 weeks and now there. Go figure.

  7. Would be nice to see a TU-95 getting ‘kissed’ by a Patriot missile (if that is possible)

  8. And these are the morons that only a decade ago the rest of the world wanted to sit side by side with and talk about how they are equals on the global stage

  9. Does this Russian know what carpet bombing even means? That would just lead to their bombers being shot down, nothing else.

  10. Does this Russian know what carpet bombing even means? That would just lead to their bombers being shot down, nothing else.

  11. I think they are preparing for one or two tactical nuclear dropouts,for what else this preparation,total civilian evacuation minimal army’s presence,trying to squeeze ukr soldiers in big groups,will se am I wrong in the next couple of weeks

  12. Yes please send a huge wave of Tu-95 carpetbombing near Ukraine border. The mighty armada has nothing to fear

  13. Feeling the pressure huh, you can do it just first Ukrainian heroes take shelter then let the pigs destroy their own land for their people to see.

  14. While we are making impossible demands:

    I call for everyone in this thread to be given a winning Lotto jackpot ticket.

  15. Don’t you just hate it when they do to you what you did to them? Arrrgh! Ukranians!

  16. Yes please. Send all your strategic bombers to “carpet bomb” Kursk. What could go wrong?

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