Inmate beaten to death at Britain’s newest  jail

Inmate beaten to death at Britain’s newest  jail

by insomnimax_99

  1. Can we stop with paywalled articles? Especially when it comes to news. It makes a complete mockery of Berners-Lee’s vision of a free, global and shared information space

  2. It’s not the first time we’ve heard stories like this and certainly won’t be the last. Overcrowded prisons will almost always lead to incidents like this. Hundreds of rioters and dozens of climate protestors are about to be jailed while our capacity is near, if not already at, breaking point, so I won’t be surprised if we get more stories like this in the next year or so.

  3. On the one hand it’s saved around £50,000 a year but will cost them £1,000000 payout

  4. Serco…..hahahaha

    Wonder which MPs were on the Board when this useless bunch got the contract…..

  5. It should read ” Inmate dies in revenge attack”. The inmate due to be released “kettled” someone days before he was due to be released.

    In other words he fucked around and found out.

  6. >An inmate at Britain’s newest prison was murdered a day before he was due to be released, in what sources at the jail described as a revenge attack.

    Oh man, like a reg’lar Danny Glover

    >The man, understood to be Mahir Abdulrahman, was due to be released on Tuesday but had attacked another inmate on Monday by throwing boiling water at them

    Wait he’d done what on Monday? And was still going to be released?

  7. The prisoner was still due to be released after attacking other inmates by throwing boiling water onto their faces???

  8. I don’t understand why prisoners are still allowed kettles and sugar at all when this has been a long-standing issue.

  9. Frees up space in these overcrowded times, nonetheless

    Doesn’t sound like he would have been a good boy out of prison anyways

  10. Given almost everybody who is in prison will be released at some point on the next few years, it really should worry you that the prison system is so overrun with violence and chaos. 

    These are the people you will share a street with and the total failure to rehabilitate is going to hurt you.

  11. > The man, understood to be Mahir Abdulrahman, was due to be released on Tuesday but had attacked another inmate on Monday by throwing boiling water at them, known as being “kettled”. Despite the attack, he was not moved from his cell.

    Holy crap, like what’s the reason?!? You’re literally THAT close to being released!!!

    >Four other inmates “stormed” it yesterday and “kettled” him in revenge before “beating him to a pulp”, ­according to a source inside the jail.
    The source said: “One lad kicked him in the head on the way out and broke his neck.”

    Obviously no one deserves to die but talk about playing stupid games….

    Surely he knew people would retaliate and doing what he did would delay his release?!? He can’t possibly have thought he’d still be waved off out the door the next day?

    Was it intentional or just stupidity?

    >Inmates have asked why the man was not moved from the landing after his initial attack.

    To be fair, solid question from the inmates! Even Stevie wonder could see this dude was going to get attacked for what he did….

    >HMP Fosse Way is run by Serco

    Nevermind. We know why.

    >It cost £286 million to build, housing mainly lower-level offenders deemed less dangerous than category A and B. They tend to be convicted of less ­serious crimes such as theft, ­non-violent drug offences and fraud.

    Less dangerous offenders who tend to be convicted of less serious crimes…… yet a serious assault and a murder took place. What they doing in there?!?

    >On its website Serco said that it ­provides a “secure, safe and decent ­environment” at HMP Fosse Way aimed at ­“reducing reoffending”.

    Clearly ain’t, but what do you expect from Serco!

    >It says that its goal for prisoners at the jail is to “learn new skills and acquire training that will ­provide them with a viable ­opportunity to work in key industries when back in the community”.

    Learn new skills like how to serious assault and disfigure people!
    Not sure what key industry they have in mind….. Mob boss? Loan shark?

    >However, inmates have complained about being kept in their cells for up to 22 hours a day with little activity as the prison suffers from the wider overcrowding crisis that has engulfed ­the systerm over the past two years.

    This is actually fucking awful. Yes, they are in prison for a reason but it’s fucked up keeping them in their cells basically all day….. that’s just going to make any dysfunctional behaviours worse!!!

    Like we are aware what happens if you leave an animal in a cage all day, they go neurotic and destructive af. Why would anyone think it’s different for people?!? Humans are a social species, we NEED stimulation and socialisation – the negative impact it has on our mental health if we don’t have these things is pretty well documented…..

  12. Seems odd to me that they are emphasising it’s the newest jail.

    What, like the duck-egg-blue paint still being fresh would make criminals feel less murdery or something?

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