Sandro Gozi: “If Musk doesn’t comply with our laws, the Union will shut down “X” in Europe

Sandro Gozi: “If Musk doesn’t comply with our laws, the Union will shut down “X” in Europe

by EUstrongerthanUS

  1. If Elon Musk does not comply with the European rules on digital services, the EU Commission will ask continental operators to block X or, in the most extreme case, force the platform to be totally dismantled in the territory of the Union.

    This was stated by Sandro Gozi, a member of the European Parliament elected in France with Emmanuel Macron’s party and secretary of the European Democratic Party, who in Strasbourg is a member of the presidency of the Renew Liberals.

  2. I hear the name “Twitter” is free is they want to set up a European social media site.

  3. Stop issuing warnings. Any one of us, mere mortals, would have been sentenced and in prison for 1/10th of the shit he has done in the last 3 months.

    Meanwhile, he does whatever he likes and even fining him needs to happen after 35 separate ‘warnings’.

  4. Yes please. Musk won’t comply anyways because he’s too full of himself. Just block it. Maybe the media will finally start using twitter alternatives.

  5. It’s been a good while since I really wanted the EU to do something, but in this case: PLEASE, do it yesterday

  6. It’s interesting to think that not long ago, most of the internet admired him. I’m glad the rest of the internet is catching up. 😄

  7. Meanwhile tiktok is brainwashing a generation free and clear with way worse everything lol. All hail our wise Chinese overlords!

  8. I hope this will happen. Wondering where all the pro-russian right win parties will go

  9. Eight years ago Twitter has suspended my account fot no reason. Ever since I’m plotting to destroy the platform in revenge. So far everything is going according to plan 👺

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