[OC] The average consumption of my electric car distributed per weeks of the year

[OC] The average consumption of my electric car distributed per weeks of the year

Posted by CedricTheFirst

  1. You should have added an average temperature squiggly line as well , because clearly it’s functioning less efficiently during the winter.

  2. This is actually the opposite of my immediate naive assumption, which is that AC during the summer would lower the efficiency. But it appears that the cold temperatures during the winter are actually having more of an effect. Looking online it’s all the heaters for the batteries and occupants.

  3. It’s working differently in winter 😉 also due to tyres (easier to mark winter/summer tyres instead of weather/temperature)

  4. I did not noted temperature but I will improve by adding when I changed my tyres (winter tyres increase consumption a lot)

  5. If you think the energy consumption is primarily impacted by winter tires, why not place a dot when tires were changed?

  6. I have a 4 season tyres, and my car consumption roughly double from 20C to <3C.

    It’s a PHEV, and it’s more convenient driving electric only in Summer. In winter, I commute using petrol.

  7. This is an interesting thing to talk about. I switched from a Tacoma to a similarly sized EV that also had beefy off-road tires. Due to EVs being able to hold much less stored energy than a gas vehicle you really notice how it hampers you.

    I live exactly mile from the grocery store and in the winter if I hopped in my cold truck the drive to the store and then back averaged 5MPG (47 L/100km). The fact that the vehicle was really cold meant that it just ate fuel. If I took it on a highway drive that was at least 50 miles it kinda got close to the numbers from warmer days.

    The EV would do something similar in that the first little bit is horribly inefficient as it spends energy warming the battery. It never got quite as good as the gas engine because it doesn’t produce heat as a byproduct. But if the EV was kept in my garage, which never freezes even when it’s 0F out it uses almost no energy to go to the store and back. While even a warm truck got would use a substantial amount of gas for that short jaunt to the store.

    I don’t commute, so my only trips are generally <5 miles or over 100. It’s definitely something that is interesting to get used to. Having a warm place to store your car is quite useful.

  8. Sad but not unexpected that it doesn’t reach dealer quoted efficiency. More worrisome that the second year is costing more than the first. That would seem to say the batteries’ charging efficiency is declining, not just its capacity.

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