Literally happened to me yesterday

Literally happened to me yesterday

by JohnnySack999

  1. Growing up is realizing they have a secret code for the other to intervene when a guy is bothering them.

    Sorry dude Fatima just rejected you and you could not take the hint.

  2. listen Pedro, or whatever your name is. swedish people are terrified of speaking so she hired a Susanne (47) to do the talking for her.

    you can distract Susanne (47) by leaving a plate of full english in a different room, she will be distracted and you can very gently approach Joanna (24) and much like trying to pet a stray cat you must approach very slowly while maintaining eye contact.

  3. Besides a “wing man” you also need a “grenade man”

    Someone who is into it ok with hitting on anything.  They then distract the fat chick, while clearing the way for his buddies.

    Like “jumping on a grenade” to save his comrades. 

  4. You say you were having a great conversation and yet you showed blatant disregard for her culture by offering her something haram, YTA

  5. When women do this for other women, it’s because they feel too awkward to tell you your attention isn’t wanted Pedro. Just take it on the chin and try not to do anything even more sad than this post about it.

  6. Dude that’s haram. Why did you do this to this poor muslim girl? The other muslim girl saved her.

  7. She wasn’t interested because she is a Muslim, and because she is from Sweden. Also she probably doesn’t takes strays back home.

  8. This doesn’t even seem related to the sub. You just added the flags to make it look like it

  9. I mean…

    Yeah that can happen without a reason.

    But if the girl you were speaking with didn’t tell her friend it was fine means it wasn’t fine.

  10. ehh sometimes this happens and sometimes its just the girl not being into u but is too shy to say it

  11. If a girl is interested in you she won’t allow one of her friends to stop the flirting, chances are if the friend intervened unopposed it’s because the “rescued” wanted her to act precisely like that.

    Being a woman is scary, most of the time it is better to reject someone indirectly, through another friend for example, because doing it directly yourself terrorises you.

    I’ve collected my fair shares of cock blocking and done my share too, the concept is easier to pick up if you have female relatives and friends with whom you hang out with.

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