Russland hat mit der Invasion der Ukraine zu kämpfen, weil sein Militärkommando nicht funktioniert, meinen Analysten.

Russland hat mit der Invasion der Ukraine zu kämpfen, weil sein Militärkommando nicht funktioniert, meinen Analysten.

  1. This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original]( reduced by 74%. (I’m a bot)
    > The Institute for the Study of War said that Russia continues to "Complicate and bureaucratize" the military response to the attack.

    > Russia's internal security service, the FSB, has also been ordered to launch a "Counterterrorism operation against the invasion, with Russia's military forces and Rosgvardia, the Russian national guard, all now operating in Kursk. The ISW said the complex command structure would likely create"confusion" and "friction" between the various agencies organizing the response.

    > Russia was slow to react to the Ukraine invasion, allowing several days to pass before it diverted enough troops to slow the incursion and its leaders reportedly ignored intelligence of a Ukrainian military build-up on the border.

    [**Extended Summary**]( | [FAQ]( “Version 2.02, ~692677 tl;drs so far.”) | [Feedback]( “PM’s and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.”) | *Top* *keywords*: **military**^#1 **Russia**^#2 **Ukraine**^#3 **Russian**^#4 **attack**^#5

  2. This makes me wonder what information they are holding back to avoid Russia themselves even knowing what they’re doing wrong

  3. You know, I was going to throw shade on the size of the table. But if you look at the pics before the Bin Laden Raid, the table is roughly the same size with the big TV/Projector at the end. Similar set-up. 

    Difference being it was all hands on deck for the Obama admin discussing a risky mission – these four dipshits are trying to look discussing how to spin how they managed to lose *Russian* territory during a unilateral invasion against a smaller country. 

  4. Right aren’t there different command structures and agencies at play? I think the national guard is separate from border patrol and they are both separate from the military and all of them are apart from the FSB. So people might be getting four different orders all conflicting with each other and no one can decide who is in charge. Meanwhile Ukraine blows up infrastructure and takes Russian hovels.

  5. Isn’t this dysfunctional command by design? Putin sleeps better knowing less likely of a coup attempt.

  6. I’m amazed that nearly 3 years in that Russia hasn’t tried modernizing it’s command structure…then again doing so by giving soldiers more leeway probably results in putin swallowing lead

  7. Ukraine just has one simple strategy: attack wherever Lapin is in command. Guaranteed victory.

  8. Putin is really between a rock and a hard place. He needs a strong, coordinated military response to this incursion. But he can’t afford to have a strong leader in charge of it who might pull another Prigozhin.

    It’s lovely.

  9. Russia is special.  

    Few militaries would willfully shred 2,000 tanks and 100 combat aircraft without demanding some turnover and accountability. But the only senior Russian I’m aware being fired, was the general tied to Prigozhin. The only folks jailed seem to be the critics who point out the generals’ severe mistakes

     On paper they had everything needed to roll over not just Ukraine, but all the Near Abroad successor states. But on softer issues, the Russian political military culture is horrifically deficient  

  10. The Russian military is extremely corrupt. High ranking officers are too busy fighting each other.

  11. It’s honestly amazing how they didn’t prepare for this, especially after the Wagner attempt. Russia is a country that should seriously never assume that the enemy won’t invade- no matter how crazy the invasion seems. I mean, they *kind* of have a history there..

  12. They’ll catch up. There’s a window of opportunity, Ukraine should make the most of it.

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