A Kursk resident who was evacuated to Sumy told about his meeting with Ukranian Soldiers

A Kursk resident who was evacuated to Sumy told about his meeting with Ukranian Soldiers

by instantkopio

  1. whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat….?

    not even a shred of torture?…not a bit of rape for the old lady…? nothing taken? not even the backyard toilet?…nothing broken…? get out of here…this couldn’t be real, could it?

    this guy’s mind must now be broken…

    edit: forgot to add the /s for the keyboard crusaders who might think I am serious…:)

  2. AFU soldiers have humanity unlike RuSSian soldiers…….but considering RuSSian soldiers are orcs they never had any to begin with. I would like to blame the orcs behavior on the environment they are raised in, but everyone has a choice. They have no excuse for the shit they have done in Putlers name.

  3. That’s how you make a statement.
    Even when russia takes all their ground back, the citizens will know the difference between their knuckledraggers and the Ukrainians.

  4. Compare that to the Russian animals who butchered and raped hundred of people in Bucha…

  5. This contrast to the video the other day of the Russian Orc telling how they raped and slaughtered innocent women, children, men, etc. for no reason other than hey, orders.

  6. How is it possible that there is such a contrast between ua military and the ruzzian @ssholes even thoug they are neighbours……..

  7. most decent locking ru from inside the grand prison who managed to cut the hydra off at the first occasion available to him i have seen in a long time. You can immediately make out he was reading books instead of drinking..

    There is never a guarantee but not all ru are on a bloody path of revenge for their incompetence or tunnelled kremlin 24/7 broadcast. That he was obviously able to put 1 and 1 together and decided what is healthy for him shows it is possible… Wish the UA defenders well and this men and his mom as well.

  8. Ukraine is winning the IO campaign 100% – this will trickle down and have second and third order effects in Russia.

  9. One is what one allows themselves to be. The difference between a people is control. A democracy allows a choice, a process of moral responsibility. The correct option is not always made, but the result is individual behavior that reflects freedom.

    The freedom to be kind, caring, behavior even in war. That reflects a higher level of social development. This is illustrates why men must fight against the terrorists.

  10. I’m happy for them both.

    They can look forward to the future now, out from underneath Putin’s dirty boot.

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