Russian Media Claims “Invisible” Ukrainian Soldiers as Explanation for Kursk Advances

Russian Media Claims “Invisible” Ukrainian Soldiers as Explanation for Kursk Advances

by BackgroundPossible18

  1. And the Russians actually get something right for once, at least as far as the latest European CV90’s are concerned.


    However as we know, all of the Russian equipment is the best in the world, and is far beyond European military technology so the glorious Russian troops won’t be bothered by this sort of thing in the slightest, and suggesting otherwise would be to commit the crime of discrediting the Russian Army within Russia.

  2. If Ukrainian soldiers are invisible, then losing Kursk is the least of their worries. Putin might get pushed off a balcony by an invisible person.

  3. That’s right Russian soldiers. Ukrainian soldiers have cloaking technology, they are probably right behind you.

  4. No wonder all Ukrainians seem invisible to them; Russians have their heads so far up their arses that all they see is shit.

  5. Obviously no one at the moment has a working optical camouflage system yet, there are so many difficulties in making such a thing usable and effective.

    But when someday they do, boy, is that going to be fucking terrifying for the opposing sides soldiers.

  6. must be related to the NATO superhuman mutants and trained mosquitos from the start of the war

  7. I want to believe it’s actually true. In my silly version, an old Soviet mad scientist was secretly experimenting with literal invisibility technology, in his secret basement lab somewhere in Kyiv. However, he never completed his work, as he felt the world simply wasn’t ready for such a technology.

    Years later, he lays dying of old age, a few days after the invasion began. He calls his son over to him and says, “let what must be done, be done. My son, you must finish my work!”

  8. When you build your society in a way that keeps most of the population dumb and uneducated, you can tell them any ridiculous lies and they will believe it.

  9. Truly, camouflage is a hyper modern western tool only supplied to the most elite super army soldiers

  10. Ah, I see, so the US rolled out their secret thermo-optic camoflague suits to Ukraine to test them in the field. 😉

  11. To be fair, this sounds terrifying!! Maybe they should just leave Ukraine and honour the 1991 boarders. Then they wouldn’t have to worry about all these ukraininan supper soldiers that keep getting fabricated…..

  12. Both claiming that their troops and equipment are far superior to the West’s AND simultaneously claiming the Ukrainians are using equipment from the West that’s so far advanced it’s not fair…? Crazy Ivan…

  13. >According to reports from the Military Portal, this theory is being pushed as a way to rationalize Ukraine’s success in the region.

    As always, the Russians lie to themselves to avoid coming to grips with their sad reality. The place is a very large lunatic asylum.

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