We have no answer for Kid Rock

We have no answer for Kid Rock

Posted by kalamazoo43

  1. Isn’t it true that Ted Nugent didn’t bathe for a month and smeared shit all over his clothes before going into the draft board? And didn’t Ted have sex with underage girls?

  2. I’m genuinely curious if Hughie from The Boys doesn’t get along with his dad over this. He did state ‘Fuck Trump’.

  3. I see you let out their most currently relevant celebrity. Only Fans model Amber Rose.

  4. I have no idea who 3 of these people even are. The other 3 include a failed wrestler, and failed comedian, and a draft dodger.

  5. Kid rock makes music for people who know how much they can scrap a catalytic converter for.

  6. We THANKFULLY have no answer for Kid Rock. I don’t know any democrats that fucking stupid and disgusting.

  7. I’m pretty sure a number of them have appeared at the DNC. There’s also been plenty of support from Beyonce for Harris and even though Swift hasn’t made an endorsement yet, she likely will and is arguably one of the biggest stars on the planet.

  8. I’m gonna be honest, gun to my head the only person I could name here is Hulk Hogan.

  9. The Republicans have really locked up all the greats like “That old racist fuckhead, what’s his name?”, “She looks vaguely familiar” and “Oh right, that guy from that one 80’s TV show, he’s still alive?!”.

    How can Democrats compete with star power like that?

  10. Remember when Kid Rock would do radio interviews and pretend he was a drug dealer from a trailer park? Then everyone found out his father owned several car dealerships and it was all an act.

  11. “The Republican Party stinks because all of the Republicans have accomplished nothing, and they talk about all of these issues and do nothing about it for a whole lifetime.”
    -Jackie Mason

  12. So let’s break down some of these “stars”…

    * Ted Nugent didn’t bathe for over a month and had caked feces on him to avoid being drafted into the Vietnam war. Also enjoyed underage girls.

    * Roseanne has been a notoriously difficult woman to work for, a Karen before it was a meme. Supposedly got messed up on pills and made racist tweets. Apologized for it and blamed it on the meds but once the axe came down on her show, she retracted the apology, showing that she never meant it in the first place.

    * Hulk Hogan spent the 80’s and 90’s telling kids to stay off drugs while he himself was getting steroids shot into his ass. Caught on tape banging his friend’s swinger wife and saying some racist things about his daughter’s boyfriend. His son was driving wreckless with a friend and crashed, causing the friend to become a vegetable, and as Hogan was on a phone call with his son in jail, Hogan mentioned that it essentially wasn’t his sons fault and that the friend must have been a terrible person for God to “Lay that down on him”.

    * I have no idea who the woman is.

    * James Woods is notorious for being difficult to work with for directors and fellow actors. While he may be a great actor himself, he’s lost out on roles due to his attitude and behavior, and like Roseanne, chose to blame it on “liberal Hollywood” despite there being many high profile Republicans there like Sylvester Stallone, Clint Eastwood, Kelsey Grammar, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and pretty much every blonde woman starring in a Hallmark Christmas movie.

    * Kid Rock, the answer to the question “What if an STD became a real boy”, has faked his entire image all of his life, being born a rich brat who dreamed of being a rapper.

  13. Hah. I remember writing a paper for English class my senior year of HS about how awful Ted Nugent is. And that was back in 2010. Like, ok guys, you can have him (and the rest of those old celebs too)

  14. How do you say “I’m a washed out irrelevant entertainer without saying it……….preform at a TRUMP RALLY!

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