Barack Obama takes aim at Donald Trump during DNC speech. #Obama #Trump #BBCNews

  1. You know you’re desperate when you need to bring a previous former President to try to make the new one President.

    From Barcelona, you liberal progresists are destroying the West.

    Sold souls to the elites corrupting our societies and bringing us misery.


  2. Obama needs to shut the hell up!! It's his fault Trump even ran for president 😅 He decided to make fun of him when he was president and ever since its been a name calling show for the last 9 years. Don't be a hypocrite sir

  3. Who can forget when Barack Obama let Hillary Clinton use her position of Secretary of State. To rip off several nations in the Caribbean, and Africa for their natural resources. He also let Hillary Clinton take the blame for Benghazi.

  4. Where's the policies to help Americans? The spending to fund Ukrainian pensions? The invasion at the border? The out of control cost of rents, groceries, insurance? This party bashes Trump yet offers no way forward. Don't be fooled by the pomp and circumstance of emptiness and flowery prose.

  5. Yeah politics have gone down the drain since this mfer was allowed who’s not even qualified. Most importantly it reduces moral over everyone when you let this sht blow up like that plus he’s old and mentally crazy. He’s putting false delusions out there as bad or worse than microplastics in the bloodstream

  6. For all those saying Laporta is like Bartomoe, your all idiots and stupid. This guy came in with 2 billion in debt, you think someone else would want that kind of pressure. We are not the same team we we're 5 years ago. And desperate times require desperate desisons. And we have seen Lapprta with money,and if you guys forgot or maybe you're just kids, we were bankruptcy in the turn of the century in 2000. Guess who came in and created the best team we have ever had, the history we know now. Laporta did. So stay calm and Don't insult him by comparing him to Bartomeou

  7. ONLY THE FOOLISH BUY THE RAPPER'S TEMPO: Presidents' Net Worth, Before and After They Took Office

    George Washingtons. Some presidents, such as George W. Bush, Franklin Roosevelt, and …

    Donald Trump. Before: $3 billion. After: $2.3 billion. According to an in-depth report from …

    Barack Obama. Before: $1.3 million. After: $70 million. The Obamas entered the White …

    George W. Bush. Before: $20 million. After: $40 million.

  8. Sad thing is all you do is nothing for this country. You didn't when you were in office either. If anything you made things worse when u stayed silent and allowed hate and division to take over this country which then spread like wildfire and has gone down hill since you were here and the thing that bothers me the most is I voted for you and I thought you'd be good for this country and you did NOTHING but make us spiral out of control with the division and hate. Thanks for that btw. Your job is to keep the peace with your Nation and you didnt!!!!!

  9. Imo, Obama’s speech wasn’t terrible (it was actually pretty good) but AOCs speech was leagues above his. Her speech had a more fiery passion to it that we need right now, whereas Obama’s felt more reserved. Again, not to say it was bad, but I feel that Dems need to be pushing the energy that AOC was bringing on Day 1 of the DNC

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