According to this bloke in Stamford Hill, the end of the world starts on October 9th.

According to this bloke in Stamford Hill, the end of the world starts on October 9th.

by lastaccountgotlocked

  1. Perfect. Still get to go on annual Jolly with mates and weekend away with wife beforehand

  2. end of the world starts on the 22nd of august = gsce results day to the most unserious year 11s yet

  3. Oh sweet, Stamford Hill.
    Yom Kippour is around that time this year. AKA the day of atonement.

  4. Obviously, it goes without saying that whoever created these posters is nuts… but why the mathematical rabbit hole? What’s a ‘Jubilee Week’? And what’s the relevance of taking 60 and 10 separately, when it’s referencing “70 week”? Where does 49 come from?

    And then, given how many other “historical events/patterns of scripture, sings in the heavens/world, and the word of God” have all previously pointed, *just as emphatically*, to a whole series of dates now in our past, many of which were quickly retconned by the self-proclaimed prophets… one would have to be in a pretty fragile and suggestible frame of mind to pay any attention.

    The YouTube channel is filled with much the same guff as other, similar channels, but only has four months’ worth of content, despite being there since 2007, suggesting he’s already deleted similar, outdated content.

    Chances are, the most that’ll happen on October 9th is another bunch of cultists will be tricked into offing themselves, while their ‘prophet’ runs off with the profits and starts a new cult with a new date for the rapture.

  5. Is that Daniel who works down the dry cleaners or the one that inspects my gas meter?

  6. Well fuck, can’t they delay it for a month? I have a holiday in October to go to the WWWY festival in Vegas a couple weeks later . I’d be very disappointed if I missed that.

  7. Doesn’t account for daylight savings time or leap years. so even if it wasn’t bs, we’d still have a few decades (maybe a century) before then.
    Would calculate the date myself, but unfortunately, I’m not on crack.

  8. They are addicted to doom and gloom in the religious world or communities. 🤣

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