Scots teenager dies in Ibiza after falling from sixth-floor balcony

Scots teenager dies in Ibiza after falling from sixth-floor balcony

by Remarkable_Craft815

  1. Really sad and all too common. Hope her friends and family get through this. At the end of the day you can remind kids 1000 times and they are still going to be kids but it is worth making sure to remind them one last time before they go abroad. Show them articles like this. What a nightmare for her poor parents. Honestly makes me feel awful just reading about it. Hope everyone involved finds some peace eventually.

  2. My cousin died from something similar in the UK. Sat on the railing of a balcony nine or ten floors up at a party and fell to her death. We weren’t close but still knew her.

    Don’t fuck around with balconies

  3. This is heartbreaking.

    Sun and alcohol are such a dangerous combination for so many young Brits. This tendency has become known as ‘balconing’ among the Spanish, who are baffled by the high rates of balcony deaths in foreigners.

    A tragic waste of a young life. Rest in peace, wee girl.

  4. My tek on it is there are a lot of messing with groups leaning over to chat to groups on other balconies.

  5. Absolutely tragic. Every parent’s worst nightmare.

    Whenever my kids went on holiday with their pals I gave them “the talk” –

    Drink plenty water, use sunscreen, wear a condom, don’t get a tattoo, and don’t go near a balcony.

    Too many tragic stories like this.

  6. I once fell back off a first floor balcony railing, landed on my head. I was extremely lucky to survive, let alone get away with just a mild concussion and a large lump. My last memory is of me falling backwards with my arms stretched out before me and my mum shouting my name, then I came to getting into the car to go to hospital.

    They terrify me now, won’t go anywhere near them.

    Poor lass.

  7. This is so common amongst the tourists visiting the Balearic Islands that the locals call it a sport (balconing from Catalan balcó or balcony in English). There is even a website which follows and ranks it as if a competition

    Website is in Catalan:

    Federació Balear de Balconing

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