Needs a few more coats but is my shed too bright?

Paint is Sweet Sundae.

by huamanticacacaca

  1. I mean it IS bright. I think it’s kind of fun though. Agreed it needs a few more coats.

  2. Please add some yellow circles, it needs to be made into a Mr Blobby themed shed!

  3. If there’s ever a next time, prime / use a white coat first to save yourself some trouble.

    Your flair… Is that what the shed’s for?

  4. Where did you get the paint from? I wanted a pink shed but had to settle for baby blue as I could only find small pots of pink paint

  5. There used to be a big mansion style house in Leicester that was this colour. It was a bit of a.landmark for locals. “Just go past the pink house”, etc.

  6. Nah this? this’d make my day looking out me window at – keep the coats flowing, and make it hyper-vibrant!

  7. It’s not too bright if you’re attempting to catch the attention of the Barbie Space Station.

  8. As others have said, primer would have done wonders but looks fine to me… To annoy the neighbours I’d add a top coat of glow in the dark paint. Imagine it glowing an eerie radioactive pink at night

  9. Put a white stripe down the middle and paint the ends blue, see which neighbours hit you with the “well planning permission regs say” bit.

  10. I’m not saying its loud, but Ive had the ISS on and they asked me to tell you to tone it down a bit.

  11. We need more colour in our lives. Just look at how drab everything is now.

    95% of cars on the road today are either black white or grey.

    Even our Olympic team sported the drabbest of outfits I’ve ever seen.

    Just go for it!

  12. Thought this was a Warhammer post for a second, always talking about more coats of paint

  13. It’s really, really, really, really good to see something in a garden painted a colour other than the regulation brown, cedar red, green or yellow. I salute you. :doffs cap in Scots:

  14. What shed mate? Can’t see it… It’s camouflaged into the background… More coats I would say. 

    Did you buy the paint from Del Boy Trotter? 

  15. what paint did you use?

    my husband has (literally, this afternoon) just built a new gate for our back yard and i’ve already said i want it pink so this post is very timely for me!

  16. lets be honest here – its fucking hideous and an eye sore for your neighbours – i wouldnt be too chuffed looking out my window and seeing that [iece of shit every day. – secretly all your neighbours are gonna hate you for this lol

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