Ein russischer General löste kurz vor dem Angriff der Ukraine eine Grenzschutztruppe auf, heißt es in einem Bericht

Ein russischer General löste kurz vor dem Angriff der Ukraine eine Grenzschutztruppe auf, heißt es in einem Bericht


  1. It’s gotta suck knowing you’re gonna accidentally fall out of a 10 story building.

  2. It’s Lapin, Syrskyi cooked him on the Karkhiv counter offensive and cooked him again in Kursk

  3. Surely the Wall Street Journal has some facts wrong. In May the Western Military District was split between Leningrad and Moscow, Kursk is in the Moscow Military District. This would make it Sergey Kuzovlev’s responsibility.

  4. > Lapin presided over the dissolution of an interagency council consisting of military personnel and local and regional security officials that would have coordinated a response to Ukraine’s incursion this month.

    > According to the official, Lapin said that Russia’s military had the strength and resources to defend the border on its own.

    > It’s unclear how effective the agency’s response would have been to Ukraine’s surprise attack, per the outlet. But without it, Russia has definitely struggled to push back Ukraine’s forces.


  5. At this point Ukraine just has spies at high levels of powers of the Russian government because what the Hell is this?

  6. “Border protection group” is a funny way of saying “barrier troops to keep the threat of murder to prevent Russian slave soldiers from fleeing”

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