I’m loving the new messaging!

I’m loving the new messaging!

Posted by asu2021

  1. I hope we can go back to some level of civility once Trump is gone but I’m not sure that’s possible anytime soon. The MAGA infection goes deep and will take a long time to clear. As long as they exist civility just isn’t possible

  2. It honestly makes a lot of sense in retrospect. The thing a lot of people didn’t like about the DNC in 2016 was “elitism”. Saying something like “we’re too good to stoop to their level” could easily be seen as elitism if you’re on the other side already, or haven’t picked a side.

    Not anymore! We’re here to see RESULTS, not to feel good about ourselves.

  3. They’re going to drag us into the mud either way; may as well sling some back. There’s going to be a cleaning bill regardless.

  4. I met Lil Jon when he was making pizzas for an episode of Celebrity Apprentice in 2010, so seeing him in this context relative to Trump was extra satisfying for me

  5. When they go low, flatten their nose with your knee then kick their fucking teeth in. Racists, bigots, fascists, bad-faith actors, and their protectors deserve it because America deserves better than them.

  6. Haha, as a roller derby skater who knows that EVERY SINGLE COACH’s non-stop mantra is “GET LOWER!!!” this makes me cackle.

    Roller derby – you get low, and you take them out!

    For real, though, I’m so glad that the messaging has caught up – they go low, we kick them in the teeth.

  7. I was just talking to my buddy at work about this.

    We think this is the DNC finally responding to bullying the only way a bully would understand.

  8. Yeah we tried the high road. For years. Fuck these weirdo, Vance-semen-carrying assholes.

  9. Voters don’t respond to “going high”. They take it as elitism. Voters love Trump because he says shit that their neighbors say, even though his wealth and social status are about as far from their neighbors as possible.

  10. no no no. i hate that stupid mentality the obamas had. you remember what the republicans did with that, they wiped their asses with it. obama caved into every republican point when writing the ACA and they still voted no because the republicans knew how to use power and then the democrats got punished and they swept the congress 2 years later.

    when you have power you use power, you pass the things you campaign on to rally your voters and swing voters. and you fight republicans, you make them say they don’t want to feed school children, that they won’t affordable housing for families, that they want to deny your child and family the right to be treated anywhere in this country without fear of going broke or dying because they can’t afford a prescription.

    i truly hate the obamas, they took what could’ve been a movement and did jack shit.

  11. Um. I’m not sure people here actually watched the convention. Michelle and Barrack’s speeches both reminded democrats to appeal to our better angels and implored everyone to return to civility.

    Both speeches were really beautiful. But I guess the internet is gonna run with Lil Jon. 🤷🏻

  12. We’ve got VP Harris and Governor Walz. They’ve got cups of skeet and a man that looks like balls.

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