Trump Rages At NY Gov. Kathy Hochul In Early Morning Meltdown, Calls Her ‘Nastiest Speaker’ For Criticizing ‘Your Favorite President, Me’

Trump Rages At NY Gov. Kathy Hochul In Early Morning Meltdown, Calls Her ‘Nastiest Speaker’ For Criticizing ‘Your Favorite President, Me’

Trump Rages At NY Gov. Kathy Hochul In Early Morning Meltdown, Calls Her ‘Nastiest Speaker’ For Criticizing ‘Your Favorite President, Me’

Posted by inewser

  1. “Your favorite President, Me.”

    Is this dumb son of a bitch six years old?

  2. What a fuckin snowflake. Isn’t he folks? The biggest snowflake you’ve ever seen. Crying all day about all the injustices he’s faced. After all he’s the nicest person in the world /s

  3. Has there ever been a whinier loser than this guy? Poor widdle Donny, everything is always so unfair for the rich white guy.

  4. He’s got a thing for calling women nasty if they don’t flatter and praise him like the women on FOX do…

  5. Let this election be over so we never have to read anything this weird old man posts again.

  6. Did this dickhead actually just say he paid ‘billions’ of dollars in taxes in New York?! Haha. Then show us the tax returns to prove it Mr Dump. Jesus. Wake the fuck up MAGA people. You’re all patsys to the antichrist here. Where is the breaking point where you won’t overlook this vomit anymore?

  7. Can’t this guy generate *any* positivity? There is pretty much nothing positive that comes out of his mouth.

    I mean, if I were an advisor, I’d be *desperately* trying to come up with some way to get him off of the personal attack train. It’s not going to charm anybody who isn’t already charmed by it. I know that they’ve been *trying* to get Trump to do that (with that weird speech in front of a bunch of breakfast foods), but it appears to be a Sisyphean task. Not only did Trump continue to go off on Harris at the breakfast food speech, he… wanted to bring Cheerios back to his ‘cottage’ (what cottage does he own? Mar-a-Lago and the New Jersey house are not ‘cottages’) and ‘have some fun’? Wha?

    I mean, everything that comes out of the man’s mouth is either negative or just confusing. Same with Vance and his ‘diet Mountain Dew is racist’ joke that even MAGAs were bemused by. Like, it’s not funny, not even *mean*-‘funny’ like making fun of disabled reporters. It’s just… bewildering.

    Honestly, I do suspect mental decline. I dislike Trump, but he was *not* like this back in 2016.

  8. I love seeing everybody piss on the orange turd’s head. He’s losing his biscuits and it’s beautiful to watch. He deserves every dagger being cast at him. Let’s tear this creepy weird piece of shit down for good.

  9. Even though she’s from Buffalo, I wonder if her speech triggered painful memories about how New York society folk rejected him in the 80s and 90s for being vulgar and tacky and a deadbeat.

  10. The only way I would consider using the term “favorite” when referring to Trump is, favorite president in prison. Lol.

  11. Truth quote:

    “Kathy Hochul, the very unpopular Governor of New York, was the nastiest speaker on Monday evening (at the Democrat National Convention) as it pertains to your favorite President, me. Her total hatred, and statements made about me, had no bounds. I was amazed for two reasons: Number one, I did a GREAT job in New York, employed thousands of people, built some of the most beautiful and successful buildings, and paid billions of dollars in taxes. Number two is that, on the very distinct possibility I will win the Presidency, wouldn’t it be better for the people of New York
    State to have a Governor who got along with the President? Adversarial relationships are not good in politics! Unfairly, I am before a very biased and hateful New York Judicial System that is appointed and largely controlled by the Governor. With the vitriol displayed by her on Monday night, it is no wonder that the Judges have treated me so badly. The whole system is RIGGED, and
    companies are leaving because of it!!!” Donald Trump

    While I’ll agree that this is definitely dictated by Donald, it certainly isn’t written by him. Too many complete sentences, big words and somewhat normal punctuation.

  12. “Favorite? You keep using that word…I don’t think it means what you think it means.”

  13. All his statements are always so odd and off putting, he is incapable of a coherent thought that is not riddled with lies and delusion. If this was my dad I’d have to take action, but POS raised POS kids, so they let him keep endangering himself.

  14. Pres Obama was 100 percent right about Dump in his speech last night. Dump loves being the perpetual victim.

  15. He had a focus group tell him who he could attack with the least amount of negative backlash after 2 days of being completely outclassed in every way by the DNC and its speakers – they picked Hochul 🤣

    The Trump garbage barge is on fire, but the fire doesn’t matter because it’s sinking fast enough that the water will put it out before all the rats burn.

  16. This Turd needs to stop saying “my favorite President” He is a rapist, he is a criminal, he is a child predator, he is a Benedict Arnold. If you are a TRUE american, you would be running this guy out of this country.

  17. IF it wasn’t for his last name, money and Russia, this maniac would be locked up in a nursing home, drooling on his nightgown and throwing bowls of pudding at the nurses.

  18. He uses words without understanding what they even mean. He calls a lot of different people “the nastiest”…. there is only one spot at the top of that list, they cannot all be in that spot. It totally does not work that way. Its like King of the Hill and there is no “second king”…. there is only room enough at the top for a single King and no more.

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