Trump will take us back to the dark ages

Trump will take us back to the dark ages

Posted by RabidGorilla1

  1. Making weed illegal means going back to Mexican moldy brick-weed! We won’t go back!

  2. Ahhh the old O.G. Brick. We all had a guy who could get you some of this when you were desperate back in high school 😂

  3. He tried during his first term, but was just bad at it. This time around, he’d let the smarter and more focused people around him attempt to turn the US into a christo-fascist state.

  4. Don’t smoke that.


    Come to Canada and I’ll get you high.

    This shit is just inhumane.

  5. This is a joke, but it would actually be a pretty compelling political ad for people my age who actually remember what it was like.

  6. Mr Blackitt, “Indica. Sativa, Sour Diesel, Maui Wowi, OG Kush. Joints that are designed not only to smoke, but also to enhance the stimulation of sexual congress.”

    Mrs Blackitt, “Have you got one?”

    Mr Blackitt, “Have I got one? Uh, well, no, but I can go down the road any time I want and walk into Harry’s and hold my head up high and say in a loud, steady voice, ‘Harry, I want you to sell me Marijuana cigarette. In fact, today, I think I’ll have a *Sour Pebbles Blunt*, for I am an Arizonan!”

  7. Voting Harris, but not because I like how my state smells since this shit was legalized.

  8. I moved to a state with legal weed and managed to kick alcohol and cigarettes. I used to get sick all the time. I haven’t even had a cold since I quit.

  9. Where I come from we called this Flint-town brown when I was a teen. (Am from Flint)

  10. And yet?

    Some of my best memories involve a quarter of that very weed, a country road and a car. Loaded with friends.

    And a frisbee.

  11. Oh for the love of Pete, please let us not go back to having to buy this ammonia smelling garbage…

  12. needs seeds and like some random tuffs of some animal fur, also, just some chunks of dirt

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