Mass bomb threat sent to Jewish institutions across Canada

Mass bomb threat sent to Jewish institutions across Canada

Posted by AtroScolo

  1. Oh look, yet another example of “anti-Zionist” behavior that Western progressives will fall all over themselves to justify and explain why sending bomb threats to Canadian Jewish institutions is a very inclusive, very tolerant, and very “anti-racist” thing to do.

  2. This certainly looks like an example of “globalizing the intifada”. 

    Jews in Canada are already scared and on edge, but this is only going escalate the situation. I’m really afraid that this will eventually lead to violence here. I’ve already seen some folks in other subs spreading conspiracy theories, trying to claim that it was probably “done by a Jew to get more sympathy for the Jews” and other vile stuff.

  3. Even if people want to start claiming this is fake there’s no doubt that the current conflict was just what some people need to take the mask off. There’s a reason we’re seeing appreciation posts for Hitler and Holocaust denial.

    Random second paragraph >!because I got a notification from mods that my comment was removed for not meeting the minimum character count. I literally double-checked and my original comment (above) had 200+ characters! What’s going on mods??? There now I have even more words!<

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