History in the making

History in the making

Posted by Captain_Wisconsin

  1. Donald Trump cannot comprehend intangible qualities. Like respect, admiration or love. That’s why he cares about money, building height, golf scores and crowd size. Because he can see them on a sheet of paper and draw an immediate conclusion.

    For him the crowd size is love. The money coming in is admiration. The number of retweets/retruths is a sign of respect.

  2. I imagine the crowd size issue is near and dear to Obama because it all started with Trump comparing his inauguration crowd size (and lying through his teeth, of course) to Obama’s.

  3. For clarity. Kimbal had a poster done up and a guest speaker to talk about it.
    Sooo. Enter away.

  4. Since Obama isn’t a degenerate and isn’t obsessed with opponent humiliation like this sub, the nature of his joke was that talking about crowds’ sizes is a dick-measuring contest.

  5. If that’s what you saw…that’s what it was. Obama didn’t mention a mushroom once, so it’s kinda ambiguous to me.

  6. 10 years of Trumpflakes covering for Traitor Trump insulting other people:

    “He was just joking! Can’t you take a joke?!”

  7. I don’t think the gesture meant that. Not exactly anyway. I think what the gesture meant is that Trump is worried that his dick size being too small, and that is the reason why he is always emphasizing things like crowd size. Trump constantly, incessantly, tries to compensate for his lack of manliness (and Trump has zero manly qualities), so Trump does so by continuously comparing himself to others.

  8. Is it widely thought that it was a dick size thing? Each time I’ve seen a clip, it just looks like the invisible accordion that DonOld likes doing during speeches.

  9. The first former president to openly comment on the penis size of another former president

  10. Ok I’m going to be more progressive than the progressives for a moment. I was disappointed to see him do that and I think it was another step in the cheapening of our public discourse. He’s about the last guy I would have expect to do that publicly. It was wrong the first time with Marco Rubio and it still is.

    BTW, making fun of dick size is body shaming. You’re against body shaming. Stop doing it.

    I also think the imaginary couch fucking thing looks stupid too but that’s another conversation

  11. Between this and Obama pointing out what a whiny bitch Trump has been since 2016, Don Old just got eviscerated on live TV.


  12. To make it even wierder, tRump responded by saying his hands are big and so is his mushroom. 🙄

  13. Trump and I think Rubio’s already made comments about each others hand size back in like 2016. So, we’ve already crossed that rubicon a while back.

    >“Look at those hands, are they small hands?” the front-runner for the GOP presidential nomination said, raising them for viewers to see. “And, he referred to my hands – ‘if they’re small, something else must be small.’ I guarantee you there’s no problem. I guarantee.”

  14. Obama is a very distinguished gentleman. I am sure that his gesture was referring to Trump’s very small hands.


  15. Yes. Yes, he did … subtle enough it wasn’t blatant. But an observer did not mistake the gesture.

  16. As someone with a tiny dick, can you stop comparing mine to Trump’s.

    We at “Tiny Dick Club for Men” don’t want him.

  17. Obamas in 2016 “When they go low, we go high.”

    Obamas in 2024 “And let me say one more thing about that cheap ass whiney misogynistic motherfucker”

  18. This completely went over my head. I thought he was just making fun of Trump’s accordion hands.

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