Trump Humiliated After Claiming He Graduated ‘First in His Class’ From College — Wharton Proves He’s Lying (With Receipts!)

Trump Humiliated After Claiming He Graduated ‘First in His Class’ From College — Wharton Proves He’s Lying (With Receipts!)

Posted by nikkisixxi

  1. Has he ever demonstrated through his vocabulary or actions that he actually understands anything? He often claims he is smart but I’ve never even heard him speak a complete sentence let alone actually explain how ANYTHING works.

  2. His entire “life story” is a make-believe lie. All of it. He’s number one, he’s the greatest, no one ever did what he did, blah blah blah. He’s a caricature, a ridiculous persona, and not a shred of it is real.

  3. “Donald Trump was the dumbest goddam student I ever had.” – Dr. Kelley, Wharton School of Business

  4. He’s a liar and a grifter. This is who he’s always been. How his supporters think he genuinely cares about them is a phenomenon I will never quite understand.

  5. Why does this keep coming up? It’s really old news. Yes, he lied about everything. He was at the bottom of the class. He probably only graduated because his parents paid for him to do so, at great expense. I doubt very much that he even has the credits.

  6. Dude, that’s such an easy thing to disprove. He’s such a terrible liar, both in terms of his volume and sheer awfulness, but he’s also really really bad at it.

    He gets caught all the damn time.

    Also, the top of your class doesn’t guarantee success by any metric.

  7. this picture, ug. The orange paint looks like one of those british chav girls

  8. His dad more than likely paid for the degree. there’s a reason Trump has sued people left and right to keep his job education transcripts sealed tight

  9. It was his daddy’s money that got him into college. At least back then a large donation could open the door to just about any college/university in the country. Everyone else has to rely on brains.

  10. He wanted to nuke a hurricane? I guess the “stable genius” strikes again 😂

  11. well, color me not surprised…. would be fascinating to compare his transcripts to obama, harris, or any other president that’s ever been in office.

  12. Like he tells his people, if you repeat something over and over, eventually people will start believing you. That’s what he’s been doing for the past 9 years, and the magamorons believe him.

  13. … that big, beautiful brain of his sees connections and solutions that mere mortals cannot begin to understand.
    Genius. Pure, stable genius. Bigly

  14. Freddie Trump bought the degree but was too cheap to pay for the honors. Either that of it was a deliberate act to shame Donnie. I prefer to think it’s a mixture of both.

  15. Adrian Peterson graduated college and could barely read. So many ways to a degree at for profit colleges.

  16. Does he think it’s like 1422 and people can’t get factual data to prove you wrong ?

    A university would be the one place with years worth of organized information!

  17. That’s Wharton Undergraduate School, right? Not Wharton Business School?

    I don’t think Trump has an MBA (Masters in Business Administration).

  18. “I graduated first in my class! Just not that class!” -Trump, probably

    Weird old orange pedophilic narcissist probably thinks graduating at all is an accomplishment

  19. We didn’t need the receipts to know he didn’t graduate first in his class, but good to have on the record! The only things he’s first in class are the amount of BS he has said or how weird/idiotic he is

  20. He would have, but he couldn’t write his final exams.

    He had a note from his doctor saying he couldn’t attend because he has bone spurs.

  21. Weird old orange deranged man doesn’t want to show his marks, because you would see a FAT F on it, at best a curved C. Hahahahaha, what a dumb ass, bragging about his marks, when he knows that he needs to lie about that, he knows that one of his teachers said that he was the dumbest student he ever came across.

  22. People with money can buy any thing, including seat in Wharton school and then they say they are from ivy league.

  23. He’s so stupid he doesn’t understand he’s stupid. Oh, and arrogant. Weird and arrogant.

  24. The fact that he even graduated from Wharton makes me think much less of Wharton – that they thought “yep, he’s ready” and gave him a diploma.

  25. He lied about some dumb shit to make himself feel batter about himself? Say it ain’t so. Toss that on the Everest sized pile of bullshit that comes from the wierdo.

  26. As an alumni there, he makes the school look bad. He isn’t exactly a good representation of the college, or anything it stands for.

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