Netanyahu putting politics before deal, hostage’s daughter says

Netanyahu putting politics before deal, hostage’s daughter says

Posted by Unusual-State1827

  1. Netanyahu shrivels up like the wicked witch from the east as soon as those hostages come home and the world sees his money laundering connection to trump and Putin.

    Jesus was a homeless Jewish carpenter out working in the sun for 14 hours a day and wandering in the Syrian desert the rest of the time.

    Unless he had perfected the magic SPF 100, my man was a few shades more brown than orange.

    Each successive generation of religion got a little less “let’s pull together and reshingle your roof before the storm comes” and a little more like an investment banker in a $4000 suit telling you he needs YOUR donation to teach the poor people about Jesus.

    We literally have a Christian preacher that named himself after the only thing Christ ever lost his temper about- The hypocrites who couldn’t stop stealing on the sabbath and set up their money booths in gods sacred temple.

    The destructive power of what happens when you mix church, state, and money has basically destroyed 2 of the 3 abrahamic religions and has its sights set on the 3rd.

    By any standards of the old or new Testament trump manages to check all the boxes of the antichrist biblically speaking.

    Vince McMahons translation of Revelations 13:3 just adds to dataset.

    And Chabad did tell Netanyahu that he would be prime minister when the messiah comes.

    Trump and Netanyahu mixed their personal churches of money into Putin’s kleptocracy laundry and all the white linens came out red with 2 genocides and a very long stream of systemic sexual abuse of children and it’s associated political kompromat attached.

    Matthew 7: 16-20

    Trumps neighbors have consistently called him out for being decidedly un-christlike all along and they were mocked for it.

    Actually holding a president accountable and forcing them (trump and Netanyahu) to go to trial was the breaking point of identifying corruption inside of government.

    Kolomoisky is the putin loyal oligarch in Ukraine and trump, kushner and giulianis buddy that hosted trumps “stop the steal” in his Cleveland hotel, bought all the property around Kushner in New York, around trump in Florida and most of downtown Cleveland. He also murdered at least one man in Canada and built a town in Ukraine to store the human trafficking victims enroute from east to west.

    emptywheel › sco…Scott Brady Checked In on Investigations into All of Rudy Giuliani’s Ukrainian Oligarchs

    Trump did promise to “drain the swamp”.
    I’m guessing he just didn’t think he would finally be seen as the clog that was holding all that corrupt shit in the government toilet bowl for 45 years.

    The trump criminal enterprise as a whole is best known for its triple quilted charmin levels of clogging ability.

    They have come ridiculously close to breaking apart at the seams so many times over the past 40 years.

    They just get braver and dumber with each successive con as they are allowed to get away with it each time.

    It’s Darwinian and Biblical at the same time. It would be an epic Scorsese movie if it was fiction but the reality of it is hundreds of thousands of people are dead or trafficked and billions are held in slavery because of this small handful of morally bankrupt people that convinced the deeply religious that they were just like them. That is the objective definition of the antichrist and the psychology of psychopathic personality disorder.

    Organized religion doesn’t survive the truth of what trump is. Neither does the Republican Party. The only thing holding it together is the inability of a few million people to admit that they were the easy mark all along. Generational trauma continues until it is proactively stopped.

    Every day they struggle to just be honest with themselves and hide from their own cognitive dissonance, more good people die in Ukraine and Gaza and we get one step closer to the Russian mob finishing the greed play it has spent 40 years putting together. To take over the last of the United States, foreclose on all the commercial property and recreate version 2.0 perestroika.

    All because people can’t seem to understand that the difference between living a Christlike life versus just proclaiming it, is just eliminating hypocrisy from your life.

  2. Correct me if I am wrong. Every government I have heard of says they do not negotiate with hostage takers and after trying to rescue the hostages eliminating the hostage takers is the priority. Negotiations are only for setting up operations.

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