‘Pretty Sad’: Trump Grumbles That ‘Our Nation Gong To Hell’ After Obama Torches Him at Convention

‘Pretty Sad’: Trump Grumbles That ‘Our Nation Gong To Hell’ After Obama Torches Him at Convention

‘Pretty Sad’: Trump Grumbles That ‘Our Nation Going To Hell’ After Obama Torches Him at Convention

Posted by inewser

  1. Obama said that all Trump does is gripe and moan about how things affect him and how does Trump respond… by griping and moaning about how that affected him.

  2. So he claims they named him 200 times and then says this: „They mentioned crime almost none.“ Wrong Donnie. They mentioned crime at least 200 times.

  3. For maga to be so patriotic, they sure enjoy this man endlessly shitting on our country. When Lebron kneels in front of the flag, its a problem and he must be vilified for years, but when Trump calls *us* a shithole over and over, he gets applauded.

    Imagine being a die hard and lifelong Eagles fan, and Sirianni says over and over how ass the Eagles are, how failed the team is, and how shitty a city Philly is. How long do you think he’ll last as coach? If Sirianni cant do it, neither can Orange Droolius.

  4. Trump reeks of desperation and is on the brink of a complete narcissistic collapse.

  5. We’ve been waiting for the jabs to finally happen and now that they are. It’s just pure joy to watch Dump squirm 😆

  6. But did either Obama say a single lie? No, they did not.

    >Former President Trump took a whiny tone when commenting about the Democratic National Convention, claiming it was “pretty sad” that the event focused so much on him

    What’s “pretty sad” is atacking Biden when he’s no longer the person you’re running against, Mr. Snowflake.

  7. I can’t imagine living or working with this guy. He complaints 24 7. Please, grumpy dumpy Trumpy put the mic down!!!!!

  8. If our nation is going to hell, he’s probably the biggest cause of it. He’s obviously trying to scare the christian vote.
    As John Kelly said,”God help us”.

  9. You can always depend on trump to be the voice of gloom and doom and playing his perpetual self victimization card anytime Obama gets positive attention.

  10. It’s not our nation that is going to hell, you evil weak weird old man – it’s you.

  11. Just remember, a very very very very large part of republicans held or hold this man in extremely large esteem and after he is gone those people will still be there.

    No matter how much they backpeddle they were willing to hand the country over to this guy for two terms and possibly forever all because they hate everyone else who isn’t them.

    Now remember this every single day because it’s so fucking rare we actually see these folks expose themselves on this level.

    Never forget this shit

  12. >Our nation going to hell.

    Yeah, we should really find the people who poisoned political discourse with conspiracies like the “birther movement,” and hold them accounta…. Wait a minute!

  13. Maybe we should support the candidate who believes in America and its people, rather than the guy who thinks the country is a third-world banana republic shithole. Just a thought.

  14. You’re going to lose, donnie.

    You’re going to jail, donnie.

    You’re going to Hell, donnie.

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