Countries fueling Israel’s Gaza war may be complicit in war crimes, experts warn

Countries fueling Israel’s Gaza war may be complicit in war crimes, experts warn

Posted by F0urLeafCl0ver

  1. So I tried to figure out who these “experts” are, and after clicking on the links in the article and its sources, I eventually ended up at “Oil Change International”, who claims to be an advocacy group against fossil fuels.

    On the part of their website that talks about their funding, the only thing it says is:

    >Oil Change International is supported by generous foundation grants and many individual donations from our more than 200,000 supporters and online activists.

    It doesn’t go into any more detail than that, nor does it say why an “anti-fossil fuel” organization is wading into the Israel-Palestine conflict, or what relevant expertise they have on the subject of war crimes and international law.

    Seems a bit suspicious if you ask me.

  2. So im still trying to learn about this conflict but both sides seem to escalate back and forth and HAMAS seems like the aggressor in this. How are both of them not going to be complicit in war crimes?

    From what I’ve read it’s been the Palastines that refuse to share the land and purge Israelis out of the area.

    This also seems like just war not genocide. Can someone educate me?

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