‘Don’t get personal’: Trump rages after Michelle and Barack Obama speak at DNC

‘Don’t get personal’: Trump rages after Michelle and Barack Obama speak at DNC


Posted by Advanced_Drink_8536

  1. After “Lock her up!” and all of his stupid, infantile, playground-level nicknames?

    The absolute gall of this weird fucker.

  2. “Not tiny! Not tiny at all! All my ex wives and Epstien girls will tell you. Very big in the pants. The biggest yugest cheese puff curl you’ve ever seen.”

  3. Does anyone else ever wonder what the world would be like if Donny’s parents loved him, even a little bit?

  4. Seems they put trumps chest beating monkey show to shame. They actually had substance instead of hate and division from shit throwing monkies.

    Weird maga shitshow crybabies

  5. Translation: I’m a fragile small little man who can’t take bullying back. Please don’t hurt my feelings I really don’t want to go pee pee in my diaper. -Trump

  6. It’s deliciously hilarious that he says himself what every other Republican is telling him, to stick to policy, yet he can’t bring himself to do it. The jabs get under that thin skin so easily that he’s actually mocking his own advisors words.

    This dude is fucked and I’m here for it. Super low energy is the icing on the cake

  7. The orange fuckwit went after Obama personally for years. He still does. Little rapist pussy can dish it out but can’t take it.

  8. I love how Obama can make him lose it completely. Maybe he should do that on a daily basis. That will make the weirdo overflow his diaper

  9. Nah, this is ok. Let him rage. Let him call people names and look like a complete idiot. All it will do is make him look like an idiot. He’s clearly losing it, and every time he goes on a little tantrum less and less people want to be associated with him.

  10. I can’t stand it anymore. I hate the sound of his voice. He’s such a small pathetic man who craves attention. He’s such a sad, sad man. He’s never humiliated. He humiliates himself in public and he just keeps on keeping on. I guess that’s malignant narcissism.

  11. Willing to throw shiat but when it’s sent back he feels offended. Totally weird

  12. The man whose entire political career is personal attacks is saying this?

    Man, what a little bitch

  13. Donny must have forgotten that he spent a decade questioning Obama’s citizenship. The guy’s getting forgetful in his old age.

  14. HE can “get personal”. YOU can’t. Waddles seems to believe he’s America’s decider, who gets to set all the standards and all the rules as he sees fit.

  15. “Don’t get personal” says the whiney assed bitch who has been insulting people nonstop since 2014. STFU old man.

  16. The “your wife is ugly and in going to just make up and say your dad might have been involved in s presidential assignation” guy is saying, “Don’t get personal”? The way this guy crybullies…

  17. He is so senile, so boring and predictable, telling the same boring story over and over and over again.

  18. I just find it hilarious how he uses his “little hands” to complain about Obama commenting on his problem with size!

  19. Trump, the man who publicly mocked a disabled person, telling someone to “not get personal? That’s rich.

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