woke mind virus derangement syndrome

woke mind virus derangement syndrome

Posted by OutrageousDiscount31

  1. *How do you do fellow woke Marxist commies, where is the line for the abortions and Soros checks?*

  2. I like that his plan was to wear a *red baseball hat* and put on an extremely bad wig. Broham, from one forgettable white guy to another, you’re working too hard. 90% of the people there won’t recognize you, and the 10% who do don’t give a crap about your nonsense.

  3. You give him too much credit. He can see them with his own eyes and still claim they’re AI fakes,

  4. He contributed to the campaign by buying the merchandise.

    I’m sure he thought he owned everyone.

  5. Dude probably could have just gone, looking like he does, with no disguise. I don’t think anyone would’ve cared.

  6. “How did they put AI images right in my retinas? I’ll have to stay awake to catch them in the act.”

  7. He looks like Eric Wareheim from Tim & Eric, who’s in disguise as Matt Walsh, who’s in disguise as Eric Wareheim.

  8. I’m curious what his takeway from the convention was… Like, ‘Damn, this is actually really good stuff… Crap…”

  9. The guy didn’t even bother buying contact lenses. He just switched to a less hipster glasses

  10. “Loyal followers-I went to the DNC undercover in an expert disguise to see for myself how big(or small) the “crowd” was.” Amazingly, there was nobody there except maybe ten ..*technicians?-who were gathered around something I cannot describe except to say it had lights. I took a lot of pictures and video to show the World the reality, but when I looked at them, the arena appeared full, and in some, there were even *people* speaking on stage. Did the machine hack my camera? Did they recognize me? Was this all set up for my benefit in an effort to drive me insane?” Was I MKULTRAed?”

  11. “Excuse me? Is this the line for the post-birth abortions or the fetal spinal stem-cell smoothies⁉️”” 🙄🙄

  12. He bought all of the bling for his disguise, but did he jump up and wave his arms like the other attendees? It would be funny if he started out faking enthusiasm, then really got into the spirit.

  13. Matt Walsh secretly wants Kamala to win but he got caught so now he has to play it off like he was owning the libs. Ultimate tsundere

  14. Nothing’s going to stop him from saying it’s AI anyway. And I’m betting you he’ll produce a heavily edited mockumentary saying Democrats are light on substance, it’s all emotions, it’s like a cult… Demoncrats are the real demonic cult, not MAGA…. They are awful and vile because they keep attacking DJT… They’re playing identity politics… Blah blah blah. He’s gonna interview some hapless people and trap them with unfair questions, then heavily edit their interviews to make them seem dumb… Typical….

  15. I really hope someone mentions him during a speech. It would be hilarious. Like “I would like to thank Matt Walsh for dropping by tonight. Good to see you”

  16. He binged watched Cruising to get to bottom of this “Grinder stuff”. Not in a gay way just really wants to figure it all out. Again not gay

  17. He absolutely went there trying to get photos exposing the crowd size and ended up realizing it was real, hence the look on his face

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