JD Vance Falsely Claims Democrats Were Behind Trump Assassination Attempt by Republican Gunman: ‘They Even Tried to Kill Him’

JD Vance Falsely Claims Democrats Were Behind Trump Assassination Attempt by Republican Gunman: ‘They Even Tried to Kill Him’

JD Vance Falsely Claims Democrats Were Behind Trump Assassination Attempt by Republican Gunman: ‘They Even Tried to Kill Him’

Posted by _Piss_Tape_Expert_

  1. The cult is hurtling toward its Jonestown moment, so we can only expect these freaks to go more and more off the rails as November approaches.

  2. Lol they’ve been trying this for so many years and it works less and less as time goes on

  3. Sue him for slander and defamation.

    This is the only thing these baiting fucks care about..

    They need to show this slime that they’re not playing softball.

  4. Yeah, no. The attempted assassin was one of their own and got triggered when the kid found out Trump was diddling little girls on Epstein’s island.

  5. So ridiculous. As a democrat…. What would we do? Throw some organic granola at him? Give him a paper cut by handing him a union pamphlet? Please. Let’s get real.

  6. can i ask you guys something….. what did trump gave up to become the president?

    anybody? im going blank.

  7. At a certain point, will Republican voters get tired of eating this shit sandwich? I despise politics, however, even I can see a distinct difference in how the party leaders speak to voters, and Republicans treat their base like a group of fucking morons incapable of researching the most basic fact. Soon they’ll be telling MAGA that Trump allows the sun to come up every day and they’ll eat that shit as well.

  8. Thus answering the question as to whether Vance is an opportunist or just another MAGA sheep suffering from mental illness.

  9. They’re not telling their lies for *us* or anyone with half a brain to believe. It’s purely for their crazy base, who are predisposed to believe everything they say anyway.

    So why is the media talking about the latest obvious lie, and not engaging on Trump’s clear violation of The Logan Act? Where’s the DOJ? It’s not a false claim, it happened. The prick doesn’t have immunity because he’s no longer President, and God willing never will be again.

  10. The shooter was a registered GOP voter…Is that who JD means? Radical “Never Trumpers”?

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