More guns are better unless your party is aiming them at you.

More guns are better unless your party is aiming them at you.

Posted by NotBeingMeme

  1. Trump may be the first presidential candidate in history to have an assassination attempt made by a member of his own party.

  2. Trump absolutely hates this look.

    No more good outdoor rally footage for him.

    He now looks like he needs protection from his own people.

  3. I get what you meant, but now I’m imagining Trump being swarmed by hundreds of schoolchildren lol.

  4. An audience member was killed, a few weeks ago. And so Trump jumped into action protecting…himself.

  5. Trump in the fishbowl because he refused to do anything about gun violence when he was president

  6. Why don’t they let the MAGATs have guns at Trump rallies? I thought all the ‘good guys with guns’ the better, and that gun free zones were dumb?

  7. Well according to some “people” (more like a bunch of fuckin cunts) the school shootings didn’t even happen, so their heads are just like that glass box.
    It’s empty and all they have in there is Trump.

  8. Kamala’s America will be fair: both convicted felons and school children deserve protection from guns

  9. That’s because u idiots demanded we remove the specially trained littertal defenders/officers of the LAW from schools. And then demanded them back after the shootings sky rocketed just like every fucking conservative with a brain cell to spare WAS SAYING WOULD ONVIOUSLY HAPPEN

  10. “Oh my god trump was shot he’s so brave and everyone pray for him GBA🇺🇸🇺🇸❤️”

    But not the 21 5th graders  that were killed as the result of gun violence?
    Not the countless lives that were taken as the result of the government refusing there to be more restrictions and policies? 

    Yeah, pray all you want. 

  11. The fact that you are having to ask the question who gets priority, when it comes to not being shot. (Obviously the children) really speaks to the condition of the culture in the United States.

  12. You hear people on the right talk about why an attempted assassination on the president faded so quickly from the media.

    Then you’re like, okay, lets talk about it.

    Then the quickly realize that talking about it makes a persuasive argument for increased gun control.

    Then they stop wanting to talk about it.

  13. This is a guy who gave a big grin and a thumbs up when posing next to a baby who’d been newly orphaned in a mass shooting.

    It’s not cool anymore?

  14. More guns are better, that’s why you should help LGBT folks, people of colour, and women purchase a firearm. Remember kids and AR is way easier to aim than a pistol and have virtually no recoil. You want to make a difference put guns in the hands of those who need them, starting with trans folks and victims of domestic violence

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