Trump Abandons Interview After Question on His Favorite Talking Point

Trump Abandons Interview After Question on His Favorite Talking Point

Posted by SlightChocolate721

  1. Obviously, the FBI and police statisticians who compile these numbers are skewing the numbers due to their longstanding… check notes, Liberal bias?

    Yes, that is more believable than the crime rate is down.

  2. Maybe he wasn’t lying. Maybe the crime rate was up at that very moment because Trump was present.

    Dude can’t go five minutes without crimin’.

  3. Really hope Kamala is able to share accurate stats and data to all of the bullshit he’s likely to spew during the debate (if he shows up).

  4. Is the press finally beginning to hold Mr Bone Spurs feet to the fire. 8 years too late🤬

  5. 😂 I can imagine when they asked him that question his brain was like “shit, wrong crowd these ones know the truth” 🤣

  6. He is a massive failure compared to our history of presidents, and his supporters are a failure of our culture that the GOP designed via gutting education.

  7. “you’re not saying I’m the greatest, you’re mean, I’m not talking to you.”

    Trump is a pussy ass bitch.

  8. “Facts don’t matter when it comes to him, It’s about telling a story that benefits you.”

  9. Trump – these are the questions you can ask me

    1 – sir are you the best in the world at presidenting?

    2 – are you better looking then Kamala?

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