‘Were you aborted?’ Mike Lindell films bizarre clash after sneaking into DNC

‘Were you aborted?’ Mike Lindell films bizarre clash after sneaking into DNC


Posted by ControlCAD

  1. > MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell said he was immediately recognized at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago despite shaving his mustache in an attempt to disguise himself.

    > After a shave on Wednesday, Lindell made an appearance on Steve Bannon’s War Room and said he was speaking from inside the event.

    > “I actually got stopped by one guy, and that happened to be the Facebook fact checker, Alan Duke, ’cause he heard my voice,'” he continued.

    > At that point, another person, who was identified as activist Harry Sisson, approached Lindell with a question.

    > “How does it feel to support a convicted felon?” the man asked, referring to Donald Trump.

  2. No more cum catcher, I wonder where he’ll get his afternoon snacks until it grows back.

  3. I still kind of like him. Hes such a doofus I feel kind of sorry for him. He self sabotages his own wealth in supporting Trump… who wouldn’t kniw if Pillow fell off the face if the earth. The way he would show up repeatedly on late night programs willing being the butt of their jokes. He doesstrike me as mean or evil like so many of them. He’s just a gullible doofus.

  4. Look at me I paid to be here and they let me in! I’m not actually doing anything bad I’m just here and owning the libs. So you paid? Yes!

  5. Surely I won’t stick out if I sneak into an indoor even with sunglasses on.
    Dude, Lil’ Jon can pull it off, you cannot.

  6. As if the boot licking followers couldn’t make it any weirder….this guy goes and takes it up another notch. 👏 🙄

  7. This old ass man has nothing better to do than some frat boy bullshit sneaking in to somewhere he’s not welcome. These old ass mf’ers aren’t triggering they are tiring. That’s one reason why his ass hat boy Trump shouldn’t be in the White House. They’re fucking ass holes.

  8. “So you’re source is Trust me Bro” – 12 yr old schooling the pillow guy 🤣💙🇺🇸

  9. Why are all these alt right weirdos attempting to disguise themselves and “sneak” into the DNC?

  10. Didn’t he post he was going to shave his mustache and sneak into the DNC? He gave away his plan before he even did it – what an idiot.

  11. He’s too stupid to even call him a coward. He’s just a weird nut case who thought that he would become someone important because he was in the spotlight because of DT. That is the kiss of death!

  12. That’s not weird at all yeah you need to spy on the convention you know because it’s not like it’s completely televised😜🤪😂

  13. He said he thought his cross necklace gave him away. Sure buddy, not the loud easily recognized voice you plastered on TV for years. Or the fact you were live streaming, or gave away your plans beforehand. Must be because Democrats have the same weakness as vampires

  14. Isn’t that the disguise that Hannibal Lecter wore at the end of Silence of the Lambs?

  15. ” Haven’t recovered from your crack addiction, have you? I’ve heard the psychosis can be permanent. Now, get the fuck out of here.”

  16. Can MAGA explain why so many of their people came to the DNC, but no DEMS were at the RNC?

    I just wanna laugh at the cope, i know MAGA is pissed.

    Doesnt this also lend more credibility to the stories about Repubs switching sides? 😂

    And why Twitter has so many racists cosplaying as “strong black women”?

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