Help needed with bed

Hi, I have this 90×200 bed that came from the landlord. These wooden panels keep falling out and I have to fix them every night. I have asked the landlord to fix them multiple times but she keeps stalling but she doesn't do shit. I would be very grateful if someone could offer some advice or some guide as to how I can fix this in the cheapest way possible. Do I need to buy a new lattenrost? Or do I need to buy new clips for these panels? And if so, from where can I buy them and how do I make sure that they're the right ones for this bed?

by amm98d

  1. They can pop out easy if you not careful. Adjust those blue sliders to adjust the stiffness

  2. Cheapest solution would be to screw a board under the wooden panels. That way the newly installed board would stop the panels from falling on the floor.

    Costs 10ish € and can be done with really basic tools. If you don’t want to screw it you might also be able to hammer it.

  3. You go to IKEA and you buy a new Lattenrost. Or you scout your neighbourhood on a Saturday to see who moved out and left their own on the street, or grab some planks from a broken one.

  4. use self-tapping screws, 40×40 timber, maybe smaller, and a screwdriver. not expensive. Easy to find and very reliable
    screw the beam under the crossbars from the inside to the longitudinal beam.

  5. 90X200 is a standard measure for a Lattenrost. You can be sure that they will fit, there’s nothing extra to find out.

    The Lattenrost in the picture is defective. You could repair it with some screws: Just take out the Lattenrost and screw through the side. But your landlord may tell you that you wrecked it that way, so I wouldn’t do it.

  6. Is the bed frame itself intact? Probably yes, but just to be sure there’s no additional point of failure that contributes to the problem.

  7. I had kind of the same problem with a queen size bed. The Lattenrost was the correct size but it kept falling even when I properly installed the bed… My solution was to reduce the distance from the the side thingy that holds the lattenrost. To do this I put some pieces of scrap metal I found in between the frame and the Lattenrost holder. And then I kept them together just by tightening the screws that keep together the frame and the Lattenrost holder.
    Do I explain myself? The bed is not the same so I am not sure if this will work, it was the cheapest solution with all already available in my apartment…

  8. You can fix this yourself if you want, or just go to Ikea and buy a new one for 25€. These are roll-able, you don’t need a car to transport it. There are always people giving them away for free on Kleinanzeigen oder on Facebook.
    Are you *renting* this bed from the landlady or did she gift it to you? If you are renting this, she has to fix it!

  9. It looks like the lattenrost falls out in the middle, when you lay in it the bedframe the frame bulged out in the middle and let the wood pieces fall out. You need a “latte ” a wood piece which you screw under the left and right sideboards to keep the bed from buldging.

    Its a rectangle which gets round when you lay in it, you basicaly need a belt in the middle to prevent that.

  10. i’d also look for a cheap or free matress or topper on Kleinanzeigen, these cushions don’t look very sleepable either?

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